110. Jonathan H. Wu 吳顯明, Baritone / 2015/01

Jonathan H. Wu 吳顯明, The Choir Conductor & Baritone Soloist

吳顯明An accomplished opera baritone, Mr. Jonathan Wu graduated from the Chinese Cultural University in Taiwan, where he studied under the direction of Professor Kvvan Lin, a famous vocalist. In December of 】970,he joined the YMCA choir singing the Messiah as a baritone soloist. The following year, in the first opera “Marriage of Figaro” at Chinese Cultural University, he played the roles of both Broadcasting Company chorus. Later that year, he had his own successful concert before leaving Taiwan Bayreuth Music College in Germany on a full scholarship, where he studied vocals under the direction of Professor Julius Raum. Additionally,he participated in the Southern Germany music tour sponsored by the school,performing solos as well as singing as part of the choir.

In 1975,he came to the U.S. and studied vocals at University of Illinois under the direction of Jim Berely.

In December of 1983,he sang bass solo in the first Southern California Christian Formosa Presbyterian Church (FPC) Messiah concert. He was also a special guest vocalist in the Jupiter chorus. In June 2000,he was in the opera “On Gold Mountain,,as the Old Man sponsored by the L.A. opera house. Additionally, in the December 2003 Jonathan sang solo and duet at the American Taiwanese Culture Association Christmas concert.

As a conductor in Taiwan, Jonathan studied vocals and direction under the famous musician and conductor,Professor & Pastor Peter Hsu, Mr. Chin-Song Chen and Professor Kwan Lin. In Germany,he furthered his music education to improve his technique under Professor Heins Schmit, who is a famous choir conductor in southern Germany. In the meantime,he studied orchestra conduction under Professor H. Scheller, Dean of Bayreuth Music College in Germany.


•1968 – 1971: Taipei Song-Yin Chorus (Taipei Y.M.C.A.);

•Chinese Culture University Department of Music Women Trio Taiwan tour

•1971,January: Chinese Culture University, Department of Architecture mans chorus in the Teacher-Student United Concert

•From high school until now. Jonathan conducted many church concerts (1979 一 1998. Grace Taiwanese Lutheran Church; 2000 2003 E.F.C. of Irvine)

•2002 — present: Assistant to Mr. Kwan Lin of the Jupiter Chorus

•2010 start conducted at EFC Orange County as a choir director until Dec. 25, 2012

吳顯明, 合唱指揮暨男中音演唱家

男中音吳顯明先生畢業於中國文化大學音樂系,入學的啓蒙老師是台灣師範大學盧蓁蓁教授。在學四 年中及畢業後到出國前,一直都由名聲樂家林寬教授 精心指導;是一位很難得的戲劇男中音。1970年12月 參加基督教青年會聖樂合唱團,演唱 ”彌赛亞〃的男 低音獨唱。1971年5月間中國文化大學首次對外公演莫扎特的歌劇&費加洛的婚禮〃吳顯明先生擔任 ”伯爵〃和 ”費加洛”兩個角色。1973年 5月他曾經擔任中廣合唱團的獨唱 ‘蘇武〃 一角,獲得滿堂的喝采。1973年7月 在出國前舉辦個人獨唱會,演出非常成功。1973年獲得西德貝魯特音樂學院的全額獎學金出國深造,在貝魯特路德音樂學院跟隨Prof.Juliums Rawn學習聲樂。同年參加學校所舉辦的南德音樂巡返L演出;參加合唱及個人獨唱,深獲好評。

1975年移民來美,在芝加哥伊利諾州立大學研究所跟隨Prof.Jim Berely繼續研習聲樂 1983年12月參加美國南加州台灣基督長老教會(FPC)主辦的第一屆彌赛亞演唱會, 擔任男低音的獨唱,吳顯明先生並且是牧星合唱團的特約歌唱家,並常常參加各項音樂 會的演出,2000年6月參加由洛杉磯歌劇院推出甚爲轟動的“在金山上”歌劇中擔任老 人的角色。

2003年12月美國台灣文化協會主辦聖誕音樂晚會,擔任獨唱及二重唱,深獲好評。 在台灣學習的期間,接受名音樂家、明指揮家許斌碩牧師(老師)、陳金松老師 及林寬教授等,在發聲、和聲、咬字、指揮等技巧上多年的細心指導,在德國貝魯特 南德的名合唱指揮家Heins Schmit教授指導指揮的動作,各聲部的更精細的處理,並 同時接受南德著名交響樂團指揮(也是德國貝魯特路德音樂學院的校長)Prof. H. Scheller,指導交響樂的指揮。


  • 1968年〜1971年參加與台北頌音合唱團的合唱與協助。
  • 1970年1月指揮中國文化大學建築系,參加文化大學的師生聯合音樂會。
  • 1968年〜1971年指揮中國文化大學音樂系的女聲三重唱,並有多次的台灣寶島演出深獲好評。
  • 從高中開始一直到現在,仍然參加許多教會( 1979年〜1998年基督教信義會恩惠教會詩班指揮2000年〜2003年Irvine台福愛恩教會詩班指揮等……)
  • 從2002年開始協助林寬教授指揮牧星合唱團。
  • 從2010年一月開始擔任台福柑縣教會詩班指揮至2012年12月25日止。


吳顯明 提供