115. Sonia Lee 王淑女, Pianist / 2015/01

Sonia Lee 王淑女, Pianist

王淑女Gifted with perfect pitch and agility, Ms. Lee won numerous piano competitions since youth. She graduated from National Taiwan Normal University with a first place in Piano Performance and went on to teach piano and music theory ranging from elementary school through college in Tainan. Besides administration works in numerous international music camps, Sonia has been a pianist and choir accompanist for numerous places among southern California, including Orange County and Irvine Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Formosan Church, Irvine Chinese Chorus. Ms. Lee was also the President of Evangelical Formosan Church of Irvine Orchestra. In recent years, she took up new instruments in Concordia University with hand bell teacher Nancy Jessup, and pipe organ teacher Esther Johns.


天生絕對音感,自幼起多次於台灣鋼琴比賽獲獎。就讀國立台灣師範大學音樂系時期,師事蕭滋 (Dr. Scholtz)、吳漪曼,榮獲畢業鋼琴演奏最高分殊榮。曾任台南師範學院音樂助教、台南神學院鋼琴教師、台南市中小音樂資優班鋼琴及理論教師,並於台南市多次國際音樂營擔任行政理事,延聘歐美名師赴台授課。
除教學行政之外,曾任司琴與伴奏,包括長達二十六年之久的台南太平境長老教會,移民南加州後於橙縣、爾灣長老教會及愛恩台福教會擔任崇拜司琴及詩班伴奏。於爾灣華聲合唱團成立時擔任第一任伴奏、中文學校兒童合唱團伴奏、吾鳴合唱團伴奏、爾灣聖樂團大鍵琴伴奏。憑著多年活耀於音樂界及教育界的熱誠和行政經驗,擔任愛恩交響樂團團長。深受九十高齡的母校系主任影響─「人生活到老學到老,學無止境」,近年來勤於學習新樂器,於Concordia University向Nancy Jessup學習手鐘與Esther Johns 學習管風琴。


Source from Music, Spread Thy Voice Around, Church of the Foothills, 1998/2/28