117. Mei-Li Chen 陳玫麗, Conductor / 2015/01

Mei-Li Chen 陳玫麗, Conductor

Mei-Li Chen陳玫麗#Ms. Chen earned her Master degree in Choral Conducting and Church Music from Westminster Choir College (Princeton, New Jersey). While in at Westminster, she studied with Dr. J. Flummerfelt. She is currently the choir director of Chime-In Chorus in Central Jersey, which is dedicated to the singing of Taiwanese folk songs. She also serves as the organist and choir director of First Reformed Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

陳玫麗女士,現任紐澤西拾音合唱團指揮,台灣台南人,東海大學音樂系鋼琴學士,紐澤西普林斯頓西敏寺合唱學院碩士,專攻合唱指揮及教會音樂,師事 Dr. Joseph Flummerfelt,Mrs. Frauke Haasemann 與 Mr. Allen Crowell。曾任教於台南神學院音樂系, NJ 第一歸正教會 音樂指導。目前擔任紐澤西州 South Plainfield 衛理公會聖歌隊 指揮及管風琴師, 臺美團契長老教會管風琴師及手鐘團指揮。平時 從事鋼琴教學,曾獲美國鋼琴 教師協會1998優良教師獎。自1989 年起擔任拾音合唱團指揮迄今,致力於台灣音樂之推廣。
