14. New York Formosa Chorus 紐約福爾摩沙合唱團/2014/12

New York Formosa Chorus 紐約福爾摩沙合唱團

紐約福爾摩沙合唱團1Formosan Society for Performing Arts Inc. (FOSPA) is a non-profit, non-religious cultural organization. It was founded in 2006 by a group of Taiwanese Americans who share a love for music and a love for their homeland Taiwan. The mission of this organization is to promote cultural exchange and to provide a new stage for the young musicians.

 To achieve these goals, the Formosan Society established the New York Formosa Chorus (NYFC). The chorus practices every Thursday evening at Union Church in Queens. Despite being only recently founded, the chorus has made several well received public performances in Queens, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey and Connecticut as well as a Lincoln Center Alice Tully performance on July 11, last year for the celebration of Glory Star. The chorus conductor, Chiyi Chen, is on the faculty in the music department of Princeton seminary. A graduate of Westminster college where she studied conducting, she is devoted in promoting Taiwanese and Asian music.

福爾摩沙表演藝術協會為非營利性,非宗教性的文化組織. 成立於2006,我們共同的理念是愛音樂,愛台灣”.我們成立的宗旨是提昇台美人的音樂素養,促進文化交流, 同時為年輕一代音樂家提供發揮才藝的新天地基於此, 福爾摩沙協會設立紐約福爾摩沙合唱團. 合唱團每週四晚上在皇后區紐約台灣基督教會練習. 雖然成立不久,己在皇后區數次登場, 也曾經在長島,曼哈頓,新澤西及康州演出,頗獲好評;去年七月並應邀在林肯中心的榮星音樂會中演唱. 指揮陳志宜任職普林斯頓神學院音樂系.對台灣及亞洲的音樂有深入研究,也極力推廣.

Shug-Hong Young, MD, President, FOSPA

福爾摩沙表演藝術協會會長, 楊士宏醫師