14. Yi-Cherng Lin 林宜誠, Baritone/2014/10

Yi-Cherng Lin林宜誠, Baritone

Baritone, Yi-Cherng Lin has earned his Doctor of Musical Art degree in Voice Performance with an opera concentration at University of Maryland, College Park in June 2006. As a native of Taiwan, Mr. Lin has performed Taiwanese folksongs in many concerts in the United States of America. In addition to the Taiwan sound concert series, he has created, directed and performed the Taiwanese Musical Eternal Hope and Bygone Years, which was performed in Rockville, Maryland in April 2006 and January 2007 respectively.

In his opera performances, while in Taiwan, Mr. Lin portrayed the role Don Alfonso in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte, Betto in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, and Alcindoro in La Boheme. Here in Maryland, he has portrayed the role of The Orator in the Maryland Opera Studio’s production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, and the title role Figaro in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Mr. Lin has also performed several recitals and concerts including a special guest performance with members of the Shanghai Opera on the Gala U.S. Concert. In November 2000, he was invited as a bass soloist in Handel’s Messiah, with the Taipei Chamber Chorus in the Taipei National Concert Hall in Taiwan. In 2002, he has been accepted to the Aspen Opera Theatre Center. In 2004, Mr. Lin received the Organization of Chinese American Women / Li Foundation Music Fellowship. He has served as the executive director at Taiwan Culture Center of Greater Washington DC; and currently, he is the conductor of Greater Washington Taiwanese American Chorus.

林宜誠, 抒情男中音, 馬里蘭大學聲樂博士, 音樂劇望春風(2006)與望鄉(2007)的編劇及導演, 華府台灣合唱團指揮. 以探索藝術生命的內涵及文化與民謠三者間的關係為其主要的音樂研究方向. 自2000年, 以演唱台灣民謠,藝術歌曲與音樂劇逐漸發跡於華盛頓大都會區,馬里蘭州與維吉尼亞州. 自2004年首度推出台灣之音系列音樂會, 藉此, 不斷地將台灣民謠的精隨, 介紹到美國東部紐約州, 北卡羅萊納州, 德拉威州, 以及美國西岸的加州. 2006年創立浮生樂坊, 進一步將音樂與戲劇結合, 並將文化中的歷史, 音樂與人文, 在創意的引導下細膩的呈現出來.

1991年自中山大學物理系轉音樂系,主修聲樂, 師事蔡敏. 1993年獲台灣音樂比賽第三名, 1994年獲選進入文建會歌劇工作坊,1998赴美攻讀音樂碩士, 師事Carmen Balthrop (卡門巴斯洛普). 自2000年獲獎學金進入馬里蘭歌劇工作坊, 並於2001年獲選擔任年度歌劇費加洛婚禮(Le nozze di Figaro)的主角, 飾演費加洛.此一演出為克萊兒史密斯表演藝術中心的首部歌劇演出. 2004年獲國際歌劇團(Opera International)的音樂獎學金並參與其年度歌劇表演.並於2007年接受聯邦政府亞太裔委員會頒發特殊貢獻獎.

自2005年10月以來, 多次受駐美大使之邀於雙橡園重要宴會上演唱, 包括宴請前總統李登輝先生, 台灣友邦之駐美大使, 以及重要的政界與僑界人士. 於2006年以論文”20世紀美國藝術歌曲研究”The Essences of Twentieth Century American Art Songs取得博士學位. 2007年受邀於Horatio Alger Award 60 周年頒獎典禮演唱, 並於美國公共電視轉播. 於2008年獲邀於美國司法部(U.S. Department of Justice) 演唱National Anthem. 自2001至2008年間, 擔任馬里蘭州布蘭德堡聖路克教堂擔任首席男中音. 除演唱外,曾擔任華府台灣文化中心執行長, 並先後受邀擔任馬里蘭州海天合唱團與維吉尼亞州立人合唱團指揮, 目前擔任華府台灣合唱團指揮.