15. Annie Chuan 權雋文, Cellist/2014/10

Annie Chuan 權雋文, Cellist

權雋文Annie Chuan, cellist, has received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2008. She has won numerous major awards in her early career, such as the first prize of the National Cello and String Quartet Competition pan universities in Taiwan. She was honorably elected as a member of the Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra (JMWO) in 2001, and made a concert tour of Europe. She also joined the Formosa Youth Symphony Orchestra and performed in the Lincoln Center, New York. In the recent career, she was invited to play with various prestigious symphony orchestras, such as the Maryland Symphony Orchestra, the Concert Artists of Baltimore, Alexandria Symphony Orchestra and the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra. She also dedicates herself to education. She was an instructor of the Montgomery College Orchestra, MD, and the cello-section instructor of the District Metropolitan Youth Orchestra Program. Currently, she is one of the founders, a chief cello instructor of the Kentlands Music Studio, and a member of the Music Teacher Maryland/National Association.

來自臺灣的大提琴家-權雋文, 2008年獲馬里蘭大學音樂藝術博士學位,曾獲得臺灣區音樂比賽大提琴獨奏冠軍以及弦樂四重奏冠軍。2001年獲選為世界青年管弦樂團(JMWO)團員, 並隨團至歐洲巡迴演出。2002年隨福爾摩沙青年管弦樂團至紐約林肯中心演出。在美就學期間,舉辦多次獨奏會,以及參與慈善音樂會,並積極參與大華府地區 交響樂團及室內樂演出,均深獲好評。

除致力於演奏外,同時亦熱心投入教學領域。曾擔任Montgomery College管弦樂團大提琴指導老師及District Metropolitan Youth Orchestra Program大提琴指導老師。現為Kentlands Music Studio創辦人之一及美國音樂教師協會(MTNA)會員。