153. Tony Tung-Ying Huang 黃東瀛, Violist, Violinist/2015/02

Tony Tung-Ying Huang 黃東瀛, Violist, Violinist

黃東瀛Tung-Ying Huang is a native of Taiwan and a 2004 graduate of the Mannes College of Music in New York City, where he received a Professional Studies Certificate in viola performance.

In 2002, he received his Master of Music degree at Boston University where he was a teaching assistant for two years.  In 1998, he received his Bachelor degree at Soochow University in Taiwan.  Mr. Huang served in the military band as a percussionist since 1998 for two years.

An active chamber music and orchestral player, Mr. Huang has been a member of Taiwan Yin-Qi Chamber Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra and of Taipei Hsien-Chi Chamber Society since 1994.  In 2000, Mr. Huang continued his studies in United States where he gave chamber music recitals regularly in Boston and New York.  He has studied with the members of Metropolitan Orchestra, Ira Weller at Mannes College of Music and with Michelle LaCourse in Boston.

Tung-Ying Huang is an enthusiastic teacher in childhood musical pedagogy and is currently an active instructor at the in New York and  New Jersey and through his own private studio.

黃東瀛於1994年進入東吳大學就讀,主修小提琴,選修中提琴,於1998年獲得學士學位。2000年退役後赴美深造,就讀波士頓大學音樂系碩士班(College of Fine Arts, Boston University),並獲得額獎學金;主修中提琴,師事於波士頓大學前弦樂系主任Michelle LaCourse,期間並擔任Michelle LaCourse的助教。同時也跟隨波士頓交響樂團 ( Boston Symphony Orchestra)中提琴手Machael Zaretsky修習樂團演奏技巧。2002年獲得獎學金進入曼尼斯音樂院 ( Mannes College the New School for Music),攻讀演奏文憑,師事於紐約大都會歌劇院 ( Metropolitan Opera)中提琴手Ira Weller。期間也向Nancy Wilson學習巴洛克提琴演奏法,學習不同的演奏風格。

在美國學習期間,曾參加過RobertoDiaz、James Dunham、Hsin-Yun Huang等大師班。在室內樂方面,曾受過茱麗亞四重奏 ( Juilliard String Quartet)創團中提琴手Raphael Hillyer、波士頓交響樂團 ( Boston Symphony Orchestra)首席Steven Ansell、赫爾辛基大賽及慕尼黑大賽及蒙特羅國際大賽得主Yuri Mazurkevich 、 蒙特羅國際大賽及伊莉莎白大賽得主Peter Zazofsky、Muir String Quartet大提琴手Michael Reynolds、  Orien String Quartet小提琴手Daniel Phillips和Todd Phillips的指導。   在美國除了先後舉辦獨奏會,也參與了各種的音樂會及公開表演活動。

現在為The National Association for Music Education成員;主要從事教學工作,對於培養音樂人才有濃厚的興趣。在黃東瀛的細心教學之下,學生們的表現非常優異,除了在紐約州的檢定考試中有耀眼的成績,也輔導了學生進入美國的音樂院就讀,在教學方面,有傑出的成就。此外,黃東瀛也發展出一套獨創的教學法及理論,讓學生對於音樂演奏更有興趣,也更能掌握演奏的技巧,藉此培養更多的音樂人才。