17. Los Angeles Formosan Master Chorale 洛杉磯福爾摩莎聖樂團 / 2015/01

Los Angeles Formosan Master Chorale 洛杉磯福爾摩莎聖樂團


The “Los Angeles Formosan Master Chorale “(LAFMC) is a community ensemble comprised of talented singers and instrumentalists throughout the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Under the inspired guidance of Conductor Ms. Li-Ying Shang, the Chorale has instilled a classical sacred music style with exceptional artistic expression and cultural diversity. Major concerts since 2012 include:

May 6, 2012, performed Hayden’s “Creation” oratorio at “Concordia University”, Irvine.

  • Performed Vivaldi’s “Gloria” in joined Sunday Worship at Evangelical Formosan Church, Orange County on Dec. 9, 2012, and at Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church on Dec. 16, 2012.
  • 8, 2013, at Tainan Cultural Center, Taiwan, LAFMC visiting members performed Handel’s “Messiah” with Tainan YMCA Choir that was under the baton of Conductor Shang for many years.
  • 22, 2013, performed Handel’s “Messiah” at “Concordia University” , Irvine.
  • 14, 2014, performed Mozart’s four sacred music in Sunday Worship at EFC Orange County, in memory of Ms. Lo, member of LAFMC and our beloved teacher Shao.
  • Jan. 31, 2015, at First United Methodist Church in Pasadena, performed Mozart’s sacred music and “Requiem”, on the Concert theme “Mozart-Melody of Life” to music lovers of Los Angeles Area. Received many praises from the public.
  • 29, 2015, performed Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus” and “Lacrimosa dies illa” in Esther Chen’s Memorial Concert at Tustin Taiwanese Presbyterian Church.

On March 12, at Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Woods and April 9, 2016, at First United Methodist Church in Pasadena, LAFMC will perform Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” to celebrate the Chorale’s fifth year milestone. These concerts will fulfill the Chorale’s vision of singing the Three Great Oratorios to glorify God and benefit people.


2012年5月6日,在Irvine的〝Concordia University〞演唱海頓的偉大巨作『創造』神劇。藉著優美的樂曲旋律,充滿靈命的歌辭,傳達上帝創造宇宙穹蒼的偉大奇功;喚醒我們深省上帝創造宇宙時為人類精心設計的美意。

2012年12月9日及16日、聖樂團分別在「柑縣台福基督教會」以及「Irvine台灣基督長老教會」主日崇拜中,獻唱韋瓦第的 ”Gloria”(『榮耀頌』)。這一首小小的稱頌耶穌誕生的聖樂曲子,述敘耶穌誕生帶給世人真正的平安與喜樂,與祂為人類的犧牲與救贖,讓唱者、聽者的心靈呈現出一幅上帝榮耀遍滿全地的景象!2013年4月14日、聖樂團在「Irvine台灣基督長老教會」主日崇拜中,演唱四首莫札特的聖樂曲,試著讓會友們從莫札特的樂曲中,體會基督教聖樂最崇高的『和諧』境界 。

聖樂團於2013年12月22日在〝Concordia University Center〞演唱韓德爾的『彌賽亞』神劇,再次與鄉親及愛樂朋友一起慶賀耶穌的誕生、體驗祂在十字架上的苦難、分享耶穌基督戰勝死亡的榮耀與對人類的救贖。商麗鶯老師多年來所指揮的「台南YMCA合唱團」,與本團回台贊助團員,亦於2013年12月8日在台南文化中心演藝廳,同樣演唱了震撼台南樂壇的『彌賽亞』神劇。



2015 年1月31日在 ”First United Methodist Church at Pasadena”,聖樂團全心全意、慎重地呈現莫札特聖樂曲與他的聖樂巨作『安魂曲』給愛樂的朋友善,呈現了一場震撼洛杉磯樂壇的聖樂演唱會。

2016年『洛杉磯福爾摩莎聖樂團』為慶祝成立五週年,訂於三月十二日與四月九日分別在Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Woods 與First United Methodist Church of Pasadena,歡欣而隆重的演唱音樂史上被尊崇為「十九世紀的莫札特」-「孟德爾颂」之偉大巨作『以利亞』神劇,完成聖樂團演唱三部偉大神劇的願景。願我們所唱出的字字句句,都能榮神益人。


WordPress  —     http://laformosanmasterchorale.com/

Facebook —    http://www.facebook.com/LAFormosanMasterChorale/

YouTube   —   http://www.youtube.com/user/ntuche/

2016 Elijah by 洛杉磯福爾摩沙聖樂團