Dear Friends:
It is a thanks-giving time again. T. A. Archives would like to thank your support and encouragement in the past year.
In the last 4 years, we have moved steadily toward our goal: Collect, Record and Display, as much as possible, the information and artifacts pertaining to T. A. history in the past 7 decades. We hope that T. A. Archives will be a place for people to visit and T. A. will be recognized as a unique ethnic group in the U. S. soon.
We relocated to a larger building in July this year and have more space for our collections and projects.
One of the projects, which we are working now is preparing some publications under the name of “Encycleopedia of Taiwanese Americans”. It is still a long way to go. We need your continuous support in the years ahead.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

Posted in 11/2016