200. Yunn-Shan Ma 馬韻珊, Conductor / 2015/05

Yunn-Shan Ma 馬韻珊, Conductor

馬韻珊Yunn-Shan Ma, a native of Taiwan, is currently pursuing her doctorate at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester New York, studying choral conducting with William Weinert and orchestral conducting with Neil Varon. She has been active as conductor, pianist and educator in both Asia and America.

Yunn-Shan serves as the music director of Hobart and William Smith Colleges Community Chorus and the Taiwanese Choral Society of Rochester. Also, she is an instructor of basic conducting and guest conductor of the Eastman Chorale. For summer 2012, she has been invited to conduct a summer sing at Eastman and selected as one of the conductors to attend the European Music Academy in Teplice, Czech Republic, held by Johannes Schlaefli and Norbert Baxa. Also she will be conducting a concert with the North Bohemia Philharmonic orchestra. In fall 2012, she will conduct the Eastman-Rochester Chorus with Eastman Philharmonic Orchestra.

Prior to these appointments, Yunn-Shan was music director of the Zong-Zheng Junior High School Girls’ Choir, National Defense Medical Center Choir, Shih Hsin University Choir, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Choir, Voices of Love, and Langeracq Cantus Chamber Choir.

國立台灣師範大學音樂系指揮碩士,大學時期主修鋼琴、副修小提琴與聲樂。2011年獲全額獎學金進入美國羅徹斯特大學伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of Music) 攻讀指揮博士學位,合唱指揮師事William Weinert,管弦樂指揮師事 Neil Varon,並擔任大學部基礎指揮法講師。

馬韻珊現為羅徹斯特大學伊士曼音樂院 (Eastman School of Music) 指揮博士候選人,客席教授於霍巴特和威廉史密斯學院。馬韻珊涉略的曲目廣泛,常受邀指揮各類不同型態的演出,亦常獲選參與著名的指揮大師班,她細膩的音樂處理常受大師們的讚賞,蘇黎世音樂院指揮教授Johannes Schlaefli曾稱「她的手有能將音樂高度凝結的魔力」;美國指揮大師Robert Page也讚許「她的音樂性流於血液,自然真摯的流露」。2013年7月,韻珊獲選參與羅徹斯特愛樂交響樂團舉辦的指揮大師班,並受樂團團員票選於閉幕音樂會客席指揮。2014年12月並受邀於紐約上州的日內瓦三一教堂 (Trinity Church, Geneva, NY) 指揮韓德爾彌賽亞神劇, 2015年3月客席指揮雪城人聲樂團 (Syracuse Vocal Ensemble)。赴美前,馬韻珊曾任世新大學、大愛之聲合唱團、台北室內合唱團等合唱團指揮。