258. Chia Wei Lee 李佳蔚, Vocal / 2015/08



Cantata.Chia Wei Lee 李佳蔚, Vocal

李佳蔚Chia-wei Lee (DMA, Ohio State University) is quickly establishing himself as one of the most compelling emerging baritones. His distinctively beautiful and strong baritone voice has already won him international acclaim. An extremely gifted artist, he is at home on both the operatic and concert stages. He recently made his Alice Tully Hall debut as the soloist in the Yellow River Cantata.

His recent performances of Ford (Falstaff) and Scarpia (Tosca), under Maestro Willie Water conducting, with Martina Arroyo Foundation in New York City have earned him considerable artistic attention. In past seasons, he has portrayed various opera roles including Don Giovanni (Don Giovanni) with Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Danilo (Die Lustige Witwe) with National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Germont (La Traviata) with Opera Kent, Marcello (La Boheme) with Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Falke (Die Fledermaus) with National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Monterone (Rigoletto) with Lyric Opera San Antonio, Bhaer (Little Women, Ohio Premier), Escamillo (Carmen), Ottone (L’incoronazione di Poppea), and The Count (The Ghost of Versailles).

In past years, Lee has appeared with the National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Austin Symphony Orchestra, Ever Green Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and Jersey Symphony Orchestra. He is also involved with National Associations of Teachers of Singing (NAT) as a Summer Intern in 2005, and also, as a voice faculty member in the Amalfi Summer Festival in Italy in 2007.

Lee is a native of Taiwan.

李佳蔚博士 (Dr. Chia Wei Lee) 現任美國德州三一大學 (Trinity University)音樂系專任副教授/ 終身職. 台灣第一位在美國教授聲樂的專任副教授. 臺灣高雄縣人, 1993年國立藝專音樂科聲樂組畢業, 1995年赴美直攻碩士, 1998年獲得卡內基美隆大學 (Carnegie Mellon University) 聲樂演奏碩士文憑 (M.M.), 2003年獲得俄亥俄州立大學(the Ohio State University) 聲樂博士 (DMA).在諸多名師指導下, 曾獲得或入圍國內外大小獎項, 其中包括Uma Cooper聲樂大賽第三名, William Byrd聲樂大賽決賽, 以及聲協新秀. 2001年之際於林肯中心Alice Tully廳舉行首演. 其合作過歌劇院及交響樂團為: 國家交響樂團 臺北市立交響樂團, 長榮交響樂團,高雄市立交響樂團, Austin Symphony Orchestra (Texas), San Antonio Symphony Orchestra (Texas), Southern Texas Lyric Opera (Texas), Lyric Opera San Antonio (Texas), Martina Arroyo Opera Program (New York), Kent Opera (Ohio), North Jersey Symphony Orchestra (New Jersey), American Singers’ Opera Project (New York) 和Southpoint Theate (Texas).

知名男低音Paul Plishka曾評論 “…他擁有與一般男中音所沒有的特質, 使他的表演特別打動人心.”, 知名男中音Mark Rucker也評論 “…他的音色非常適合威爾第及普契尼的歌劇, 其戲劇及音樂的張力遠超忽想像” 李 博士演出遍及台灣, 美國, 歐洲以及中國大陸. 最近演出歌劇包括 Tonio (I Pagliacci), Scarpia (Tosca), Ford (Falstaff), Don Giovanni (Don Giovanni), Germont (La Traviata), Marcello (La Boheme), Angelotti (Tosca), Danilo (Die Lustig Witwe), Falke (Die Fledemaus), Monterone (Rigoletto), Bhaer (Little Women), Ottone (L’incoronazione di Poppea), Alfio (Cavalleria Rusticana) 以及The Count (The Ghost of Versailles).

值得一提的是 在Cavalleria Rusticana, 與世界知名女高音, Carol Vaness, 分別飾演男女主角. 除了聲樂演出外, 李博士於2002年擔任Kenyon學院助理教授一職, 2003年受聘於德州Trinity University, 為該系最年輕的專任教授, 主要教授聲樂, 聲樂教學理論, 語韻學, 及聲樂文獻研究. 其學生曾多次榮獲美國聲樂比賽多次獎項 (美國大都會歌劇院比賽, Barry Alexander國際聲樂大賽, 及美國聲樂教師協會聲樂比賽), 並經常受邀於世界各地獨唱演出(紐約卡奈基音樂廳, 費城交響樂團, 奧地利薩爾茲堡音樂節, 義大利佛羅倫斯聲樂節, 美國Santa Fe 音樂節及義大利Amalfi Coast Summer Festival). 李博士近年來受邀於臺灣, 中國及美國各大學院校舉行大師班 (the Ohio State University, Wheaton College, St. Olaf College, Kenyon College, University of Texas at Arlington, University of Puget Sound, Kent State University, 國立台灣藝術大學, 國立台北教育大學, 國立屏東教育大學, 國立中山大學, 台北市立教育大學, 私立實踐大學, 私立東海大學, 上海音樂院, 中央音樂院, 雲南藝術學院,北京大學歌劇研究院). 2005年六月, 李博士被美國聲樂家協會 (NATS) 遴選為聲樂教授培訓計畫(NATS Intern) 的十二個教授成員之一.

2007年七月, 應義大利暑期音樂節 Amalfi Coast Summer Festival 之邀請擔任聲樂指導. 值得一提的是,李博士以多年的教學經驗以及參考歐美著名音樂節的模式, 於2009年八月在台灣成立了國際亞太青年歌劇坊. 李博士多年來研究英國十九世紀聲樂作曲家及其作品. 他的博士畢業論文 “Gerald Finzi, Thomas Hardy, and Finzi’s song cycle “Before and After Summer” 曾被多次引用並現已收藏于俄亥俄州立大學及密西根州立大學.

Source from http://www.scdaily.com/News_intro.aspx?Nid=75041 美南新聞