277. Anita Chia- Jung Lin 林佳蓉, Violinist / 2015/08

Anita Chia- Jung Lin 林佳蓉, Violinist

林佳蓉Born in Tainan, Taiwan, Anita Lin began to learn violin at the age of seven. In 2006, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in music from Tainan National University of the Arts in Taiwan, and earned the Master of Music Degree in violin performance at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) in May 2010. She is currently a violin teacher at St. Louis School of Music, teaching all ages with emphasis of Suzuki teaching method. Besides violin performance and teaching experience, Anita is also actively participates in the opera and musical performance. Anita has two years theater experience in Taipei; and her opera/musical performances in United States include: Lucy in The Telephone (2009), Casilda in The Gondoliers (2010),and Mrs. Mayor in The Seussical (2010) at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Anita is the first prize winner in 2008 NATS musical theater competition; a winner of 2009 SIUE Aria/Concerto Competition; and the 2nd prize winner in 2010 NATS vocal competition.

林佳蓉生於台灣台南自幼習樂。2006年畢業於國立台南藝術大學音樂系,主修小提琴。佳蓉除了樂器演奏,也醉心於歌唱。沒有受過完整演員訓練的佳蓉,大學畢業後為了愛唱歌跳舞的理想,勇赴台北闖蕩,通過一次次的演員甄選擠身音樂劇場,開啟音樂劇演員生涯。 完整演員訓練的佳蓉,大學畢業後為了愛唱歌跳舞的理想,勇赴台北闖蕩,通過一次次的演員甄選擠身音樂劇場,開啟音樂劇演員生涯

2006年大風劇場所製作的(世紀回眸宋美齡> 中擔演宋靄齡和其他群戲角色;2007年音樂時代劇場講述鄧雨賢故事的{四月望雨》

演出劇中靈魂女配角一麗簏。2008年,為了能接觸更多純英文之全本音樂劇,佳蓉段然決然離開家鄉來到聖路易找尋更多演出機 會,一邊以提琴為主業進修學位,同時積極出現於歌劇和音樂劇演出與比赛,獲得許多獎項和經驗。2010年從南伊利諾大學畢業,目前 佳蓉以鈐木教學法認證教師的身分,於聖路易音樂學校擔任小提琴講師,並持續參與劇場演出。


Source from NATWA 2011 St. Louis Mo Annual Convention program book