592. Prof. Bernard Travis Lee 李伯寧教授

English Name Prof. Bernard Travis Lee  

Hanji Name 李伯寧教授
Birth Year 1971
Birth Place Austin/Texas
First year / First city / State in U.S. -/-/-
Present Address
Family 1. Wife: 李必寧
2. Daughter: —
3. Son: 李博德
4. Father/Mother: 李清澤/李林榮峰
Education School Name Year – Year Degree and major
1. Tufts Univ.

2. Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Employment Company Name Year – Year Position or title
1. Harvard Medical School


Chief, Division of Plastic and Constructive Surgery
Accomplishment 1. Chief, Division of Plastic and Constructive Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School 2014-

2. Board of Directors, Appointed Graduate School Director, Harvard Alumni Association, 2017-2020

3. Deputy Chair, Awards Committee, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Alumni Association

4. Chair, Plastic Surgery Executive Committee, Harvard Plastic Surgery Residency Training Program

5. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2013-

6. Editorial Board Member, Archives of Plastic Surgery, 2017-

7. Co-edited A Two-volume Textbook on Reconstructive Surgery, Encyclopedia of Flaps Published by Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

8. Outstanding Taiwanese American Elected by T.A. Archives in 05/2019
