6. Tao Yu 余道昌, Violinist/2014/10

Tao Yu 余道昌, Violinist

Tao Yu 余道昌, the highly acclaimed concert violinist, has performed in recitals and concerto concerts across three continents since the age of twelve. Tao came to the United States from his native Taiwan on full scholarship from the Evergreen Foundation to study at the Peabody Preparatory and later at the Peabody Conservatory and Johns Hopkins University in Violin Performance and Electrical Engineering. He began violin study with Dr. Shiao-Jun Ma (father and teacher of the renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma) at the age of four. He has won prizes at the Taipei International Violin Competition, the American Young Artists Competition, Young Artist Guild Competition, the Marbury Violin Competition, the Yale Gorden Concerto Competition, and the Silbelius International Violin Competition.

Tao is eagerly sought after as a soloist and chamber musician. He has been concertmaster of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, the Annapolis Camarata. Tao is equally demanded as a violin teacher. For the last 6 years, Tao has taught at The Heifetz International Music Institute, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Peabody Conservatory, and Juilliard Preparatory. He is the recent winner of the prestigious “Rising Star Award” career grant for his outstanding violin performance.


在美期間曾先後師事Berl Senofsky,Sylvia Rosenberg,Victor Danchenko,Daniel Heifetz,Roman Totenberg等教授。1989年回國參加李淑德教授生日音樂會與名小提琴家林昭亮、胡乃元等在國家音樂廳同台演出,並隨同當時文建會主委郭為藩先生晉見李總統登輝先生。1990年獲Peabody協奏曲比賽首獎。

1992年應華府中美音樂協會推出「冬季音樂響宴」於馬州蒙哥馬利大學藝術中心獨奏演出。1994年贏得Marbury小提琴比賽首獎,同年回台灣參加台北市第三屆世界小提琴大賽獲國人最佳演奏獎。1995年取得馬里蘭州約翰霍普金斯大學Peabody音樂學院學士學位並於次年取得碩士學位。1997年贏得Yale Gorden弦樂比賽首獎。1998年以「全額音樂獎學金」在馬里蘭大學攻讀並獲音樂博士學位。


余道昌的獨奏以及室內樂演出足跡遍及北美各大小城市,曾與名小提琴家Daniel Heifetz、名聲樂家Carmen Balthrop、名鋼琴家Ruth Laredo以及其他傑出音樂家合作演出。曾應邀在甘乃迪中心,史丹佛大學,田納希大學,加州大學Chico與Northridge分校,華盛頓音樂沙龍,Palm Spring與San Diego藝術博物館音樂節,Music in The Great Hall音樂節,哈維德大學,弗瑞德克大學,Waterford音樂節及Sunday at Three音樂節等多處演出。曾與美國Asheville與UTC交響樂團合作貝多芬三重協奏曲及布拉姆斯雙協奏曲深獲好評。最近曾受邀參與華府台美人傳統週,李前總統蒞臨華府歡迎餐會,台灣同鄉會主辦的台灣之夜及 228六十週年紀念會演出並深獲好評。因其在美國音樂界傑出的表現曾多次受邀在華府雙橡園舉辦的國宴上表演。2007年參加由美國馬里蘭州藝術委員會主辦的躍起之星(Rising Star Award)藝術家選拔,以自己改編的卡門幻想曲征服全場七百餘樂迷,高票獲觀眾選為當屆首,並贏得美金伍千元首獎金。
