70. Sandra Wright Shen, Pianist/2014/10

Sandra Wright Shen

Sandra Wright Shen

Sandra Wright Shen has been described as a classical “pianist of the first order” and a “heartstopping beauty”. With her passion, musicality, and inspiration, she aims to move hearts through music.

Sandra has appeared at the Kennedy Music Center in DC, the Chicago Cultural Center, Monte Carlo Opera House, the Frankfurt Cultural Center in Germany, the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing, and the Taiwan National Concert Hall. Sandra just won first prize in the 2012 International Piano Competition of France. She also won first prizes in the 1997 Hilton Head International Piano Competition, the Mieczyslaw Munz Piano Competition, the Taiwan National Piano Competition, and the Peabody Frances M. Wentz Memorial Prize.

She has recorded 3 CDs, debuting with her Rachmaninoff’s 3rd Piano Concerto. Sandra received her BM and MM in Piano Performance from the Peabody Conservatory, under Ann Schein. She has also trained with Zalina Gurevich, Oleg Barsov and Thomas Laratta. Sandra is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Furman University. She is also on the piano faculty at the Brevard Music Festival and Masterworks Festival, and previously taught at Southern Illinois University. Sandra is a Steinway Artist.

Mixing music and philanthropy, Sandra has played benefit concerts for disaster victims, foster children, and music education, and serves as Honary Advisor for the Young Music Foundation. An ambassador of classical music, Sandra filmed a 4-part series titled “The Movements of the Master Pianists” for Hong Kong TV. She also hosted a classical radio program in Taiwan. Because of her ability to touch people’s hearts with music, and through her sweet, positive spirit, audiences throughout the world have declared her “an angel”.

Sandra曾在華盛頓的甘乃迪中心,芝加哥文化中心,蒙地卡羅歌劇院,德國法蘭克福文化中心,北京的中山音樂堂,與台灣國家音樂廳演出樂廳等。她剛獲得2012年法國國際鋼琴比賽首獎。 她也曾獲得 1997年Hilton Head國際鋼琴大賽、孟茲 (Mieczyslaw Munz)鋼琴比賽首獎。 2002年她與大提琴家妮娜. 科朵娃到中國及韓國巡迴演出,次年與前維也那愛樂交響樂團首席Vesselin Paraschkevov合作演出。Sandra Shen 擁有琵琶第音樂院 (Peabody Conservatory) 演奏碩士學位﹐曾任教於南伊利諾大學,灣區史坦威音樂營,並於每年夏天在著名的北卡Brevard音樂營任教。Sandra 是Steinway 藝術家 。

<<表演藝術雜誌>> 形容「仙杜拉的音樂帶著一種罕有的『真誠』,而她的精湛技巧,使聽眾不由得目不轉睛,凝神靜聽。」 更有人以「令人窒息的美」和「絢麗的鋼琴家」形容她。她的風格具有獨特的優雅和音樂性。

目前由台灣滾石唱片出版的錄音,包括技巧艱鉅聞名的拉赫曼尼諾夫「第三號鋼琴協奏曲」以及聖桑的「動物狂歡節」。她和香港創世電視 錄了“鋼琴大師的生命樂章”電視節目。在台灣她也曾經主持古典音樂節目。“她具有成熟音樂家的風範﹐能在每一刻將聽眾引入那極專注之下所生出的寧靜之美。”