72. Chiayu Hsu 許家毓, Pianist/2014/11

Chiayu Hsu 許家毓, Pianist

Chiayu Hsu

Chiayu is an active composer of contemporary concert music. Chiayu has been interested in deriving inspirations from different materials, such as poems, myths, and images. Particularly, however, it is the combination of Chinese elements and western techniques that is a hallmark of her music.

Her career has been burgeoning with a remarkable number of commissions. In March 2014, her Shank Ko, received its Asia premiere by the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Shan Ko was the winning work of Lynn University’s international call for scores and premiered under the baton of Maestro Gunther Schuller. The piece was also selected by the EarShot program and read by the Nashville Symphony under the baton of Maestro Giancarlo Guerrero in April 2010.

In August 2011, Xuan Zang for horn and orchestra was premiered by soloist, Kristin Jurkscheit, and Cabrillo Festival Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Marin Alsop. Of Chiayu’s Zhi [for violin and Piano], Ivan Hewett of the London Telegraph wrote, “…Zhi, a set of four miniatures…Each fixed a completely distinct world of feeling, compounded of Ligeti-like ‘mechanisms’ and a keen lyricism. I reckon she’s the one to watch.”

In 2008, her Feng Nian Ji was premiered by Cabrillo Festival Orchestra under Maestro Marin Alsop’s leadership and received an honorable mention by the Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute. The same year, her Reverie and Pursuit received its premiere performance, commissioned and performed by Carol Jantsch, the tuba principal from the Philadelphia Orchestra and the recording was later released in 2009 in her album, “Cascades.” In 2007, her Fantasy on Wang Bao Chuan, commissioned by Taiwan’s Evergreen Symphony orchestra, was selected for the American Composers Orchestra’s annual Underwood New Music reading and also received an honorable mention by the Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute. Later, Chiayu was invited to collaborate with choreographer Keith Thompson from the danceTactics, for whom she composed Pellucid Tensions.

Huan for solo harp was the winner of the Composition Contest for the 7th USA International Harp Competition in Spring 2006 and was included in the repertoire for the harp competition. Huan was introduced by Sonja Inglefield in an article in the fall 2006 issue of World Harp Congress Review. Chiayu was also invited to conduct a composer’s forum in the competition and was interviewed for the documentary, Harp Dreams, which was televised on PBS in June 2010. In August 2006, the Cabrillo Festival Orchestra premiered Chiayu’s work, Hard Roads in Shu, which later received performances by the Detroit Symphony, the San Francisco Symphony, the Toledo Symphony and the Spokane Symphony.

Chiayu’s music has been premiered by the Aspen Contemporary Ensemble, pianist Natalie Zhu, oboist Katherine Needleman, the ensemble eighth blackbird, the Prism Quartet and the Ciompi Quartet. Her works have been performed at Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall, Zankel Hall, Davies Symphony Hall, Max M. Fisher Music Center, Schermerhorn Symphony Center, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Skirball Center for Performing Arts, Philadelphia Chamber Music Society, Moscow Open Harp Festival, and the National Concert Hall in Taiwan, and have been broadcast on WFIU, WIRU and WPKN Today. Her Among Gardens has been released, to critical acclaim, on pianist Natalie Zhu’s Meyer Media Records CD, “Images,” and on pianist Brian Hanke’s “Interconnections.”

Chiayu has received numerous awards and honors for her compositional endeavors. In 2013, Journey to the West, was the winner of the IAWM Search for New Music and was featured in the fall 2013 issue of the IAWM journal. Shui Diao Ge To, composed for the 2004 Milestones Festival, received a 2005 ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer’s Award. In 1999, her Dinkey Bird won the Maxfield Parrish composition contest and was the subject of a feature in Philadelphia Inquirer. She has also received the first prize in the National Taiwan Academy of Art Composition Competition, in the Charlotte Civic Orchestra Composition Competition, in the Philip Slates Memorial Composition Contest, the Prism Quartet Student Commission Award, the Renée B. Fisher Foundation Composer Award, the William Klenz Prize, the Sorel Organization’s 2nd International Composition Competition, music+culture 2009 International Competition for Composers, the 2010 Sorel Organization recording grant, the KH Tan Composition Competition and the Copland House Residency Award.

Born in Banciao, Taiwan, Chiayu is an assistant professor of composition at UW-Eau Claire. She has received her Bachelor of Music from the Curtis Institute of Music, Master’s degree and Artist Diploma from Yale School of Music, and Ph.D. from Duke University. She has been in different residencies in the United States and Europe, including Yaddo, Wildacres Retreat, the Camargo Foundation, and Dora Maar House. She has studied at the Banff Centre for the Arts, the Chamber Music Conference and Composers’ Forum of the East, the Atlantic Center for the Arts, Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, the Aspen Music Festival, American Conservatory (Fontainebleau), and the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival. Her teachers have included Jennifer Higdon, Martin Bresnick, Roberto Sierra, Ezra Laderman, David Loeb, Anthony Kelley, Jeffrey Mumford, Donald Crockett, Jonathan Berger, Christopher Rouse, Robert Beaser, Joseph Schwantner, Joan Tower, Marco Stroppa, Scott Lindroth, and Stephen Jaffe.

Her recent projects include a brass quintet for the Curtis Institute of Music, a solo clarinet work for Arianna Tieghi, an alto saxophone work for Grant Larson, and a band piece for the UWEC wind ensemble.

許家毓,臺灣板橋人, 杜克大學音樂學院音樂博士。1995年以第一名的成績自國立台灣藝術專科學校(現為國立台灣藝術大學)畢業,即赴美進修,2000年由寇蒂斯(Curtis)音樂學院畢業,並於2003年自耶魯大學(Yale University)取得音樂碩士與藝術家文憑(Artist Diploma)。

在美期間,許家毓曾獲多項殊榮。其中包括於1999年,作品「丁克鳥」(Dinkey Bird) 榮獲麥克斯費爾得派瑞斯 (Maxfield Parrish)作曲比賽第三名,並接受費城問訊報 (Philadelphia Inquirer) 的專訪。其後於2005年,合唱曲「水調歌頭」贏得美國作曲家、作家與出版商協會(ASCAP)摩頓顧爾得(Morton Gould)青年作曲家獎。2006年豎琴獨奏曲「幻」榮獲美國國際豎琴大賽作曲比賽第一名而成為比賽指定曲,同時此曲之介紹被刊登於世界豎琴國會評論 (World Harp Congress Review) ,次年家毓更受邀至比賽會場給予演講,並接受比賽記錄片「豎琴夢」專訪 。 此記錄片於2010於美國公視(PBS)播出。2008水調歌頭」獲得首羅基金會(Sorel Organization)第二屆國際作曲比賽首獎。尚有其他作品榮獲普力森(Prism) 四重奏作曲比賽冠軍、羅內費雪基金會作曲比賽冠軍、耶魯大學察爾斯與菲利芭瑞察爾得生紀念獎 (Charles and Philippa Richardson Memorial) 、杜克大學威廉克蘭茲(William Klenz)獎、夏洛特公民樂團作曲比賽冠軍、非力普斯雷茲(Philip Slates)紀念獎等。

許家毓的作品亦曾被多個團體於各大表演廳演奏。其中包括倫敦小交響樂團(London Sinfonietta)、美國作曲家交響樂團(American Composers Orchestra)、舊金山交響樂團、底特律交響樂團、 納什維爾交響樂團 (Nashville Symphony) 、 托雷多交響樂團 (Toledo Symphony)、亞斯本音樂節現代樂團等。此外家毓的鋼琴獨奏曲「漫步花園中」(Among Gardens)被收錄於鋼琴家朱葉(Natalie Zhu)的首張獨奏專集「印象」。為低音號與鋼琴所作的「幻想與追尋」(Reverie and Pursuit)被收錄於費城交響樂團低音號首席的專集「瀑布」(Cascades)。家毓的近期委託作品包括為強比(Ciompi)弦樂四重奏所創作的「西遊記」與寇蒂斯音樂學院而創作的室內樂「爍」及為巴爾地摩交響樂團音樂總監馬林‧艾爾梭(Marin Alsop)及卡不理歐音樂節樂團 、科羅拉多交響樂團法國號首席所作的法國號協奏曲「玄奘 」。