8. Rhapsody Trio 狂想三重奏/2014/10

Rhapsody Trio 狂想三重奏

Rhapsody Trio 狂想三重奏

Rhapsody Trio, in 2003,is composed of pianist, Lynn Huang, clarinetist, Jen Chan, and violinist, Yvonne Wang. Since childhood these three musicians were nurtured with classical music, and later on, all pursue the advanced education in America. Due to the enthusiasm toward chamber music, they decide to establish Rhapsody Trio. Rhapsody Trio’s freestyle performance is melted with classical music technique and jazz music spirit. Active in U.S.A, Rhapsody Trio participates over Hundreds public welfare performances and Concerts; they’d like to use their music to spread the humanity to every corner in the world.

In 2011, Rhapsody Trio establishes Rhapsody Education Center, which is devoted to promoting music and arts education. Rhapsody Trio not only conveys world music culture, but also actively cultivates more outstanding next generation.

In 2011, 2012 Rhapsody Trio won the “Chinese Overseas Outstanding Youth Awards”. Also in 2011 continually received the “Outstanding Chinese Youth Achievement Award” from U.S. Congress, California State Assembly, City of Monterey Park and City of Walnut. Recent years, Rhapsody Trio continues to bring Taiwan’s musical elements into the classical music field in the hope that Taiwan’s music can be heard everywhere and all over the world can appreciate the Beauty of Formosa (Taiwan).

「狂想三重奏」(Rhapsody Trio)是由鋼琴演奏家黃令先(Lynn Huang)、單簧管演奏家詹純甄(Jen Chan)以及小 提琴家王亦凡(Yvonne Wang)於2003年組成。三位音樂家從小接受古典音樂薰陶,並於美 國接受高等的音樂教育,在求學的過程中啓發了對室內樂藝術的熱愛,於是成立了「狂想三重奏」。

「狂想三重奏」將奔放自由的演出風格融進了古典樂的技巧和爵士樂中火熱的靈魂,活躍於南加州僑界中的各大音樂 舞台,並積極參與各項公益演出,如:2011年十月由華府台灣文化中心(TCC)主辦演出 $美聲.爵士 .狂想夜$, 歷年的大洛衫磯台灣傳統週音樂會及228紀念音樂會以及2013年美西夏令會的台灣之夜,2014年7月的美國東岸巡迴演奏會……等百餘場演出,廣受各界好評與肯定。