9. Important Events Happened in TA Community during 2015

Important Event, Activity and News Happened in Taiwanese American Community during 2015 (32 listings suggested by Taiwanese American Organizations and individuals)

  1. The passing of Mr. Tyzen Hsiao 蕭泰然, Prof. Alexander K. Young 楊慶安, Dr. Fu-Tong Hsu 徐福棟, Dr. Edward Cheng 鄭德昌 and Mrs. Tina Chang 張丁蘭.
  2. 民進黨主席蔡英文總統候選人成功的訪問美國,受到台美人及美國政界的熱烈歡迎。
  3. 吳澧培傳紀出版并在台灣暢銷,直接宣揚台灣人及台美人的心聲。
  4. 台美史料中心積極收集台美人史料,擴充內容:http://taiwaneseamericanhistory.org/
  5. The digitization of all published issues of Taiwan Tribune in 3 DVDs.
  6. The creation of the North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award (NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎) and the “NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award” (NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎金).
  7. Taiwanese Food and Culinary Culture Festival, sponsored by TAA/St. Louis/KS.
  8. The success of the 2015 Taiwanese Summer Conference /East Coast, managed by TAA/New Jersey.
  9. The invitation of 8 Young leaders and 12 graduate students in U.S. Universities from Taiwan to participate in the annual meeting of NATPA in August .
  10. The establishment of the Overseas Support Association for Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen’s 2016 Campaign for the Presidency of Taiwan (海外小英後援會) 及助選團成立.
  11. Musical concerts in southern California and around the United States held to highlight the contribution of Tyzen Hsiao in the field of music.
  12. 北加州台灣同鄉聯合會1月31日(星期六),在庫比蒂諾市王朝海鮮酒家舉行春節年會。500多名台美鄉親及來賓歡聚慶祝羊年新春。
  13. The Westchester Taiwanese Women’s Association’s 40th anniversary celebration.
  14. 台美文藝-2015(台美人筆會出版)
  15. 2月28日星期六,北加州台灣同鄉聯合會於聖荷西台美長老教會,舉辦228紀念音樂會。有祖孫三代,有美國生長的第二代台美青年到場聆聽,約二百多名鄉親來參加228哀悼音樂會
  16. 北美洲台灣人教授協會南加州分會慶祝卅週年
  17. 北加州台灣會館4月11日晚間歡迎為台灣醫療奉獻一生,被暱稱為「譚爸」、「譚媽」的美國醫師譚維義(Frank Dennis)和譚秀麗(Sally Dennis)。
  18. 由北加州台灣同鄉聯合會主辦的年度台灣文化節,5月9日在舊金山聯合廣場舉行,七小時的表演節目和美食,過往遊客逾萬親身體驗台灣文化。
  19. Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement students’ speaking engagements at numerous Taiwanese American Summer Conferences and camps.
  20. The rally for UN Membership for Taiwan in New York.
  21. The election of Ms. Stephanie Chang to the Michigan House of Representatives as the first Taiwanese American to be elected to that legislative body.
  22. The Passport to Taiwan event in New York.
  23. 劉蘇多惠出版兩本珍貴的相簿-咱要出頭天(革命篇)和(社團篇).
  24. Dr. Lisa T. Su’s appointment as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).
  25. 北加州台灣同鄉聯合會等社團組成的「蔡英文北加後援會」,主辦演講會及餐會,於6月7日。
  26. Recognition of Outstanding Alumni Awards to Taiwanese Americans, Dr. Tu Chen (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Hwalin Lee (UCSF School of Medicine).
  27. 吳春紅女士榮獲加州第十選區的亞太裔傑出領導人物,於六月十二日。
  28. 葛原隆、吳瑩瑛編著的「晚風習習木長青」於台灣的基督教文字出版協會每兩年舉辦一次的金書獎甄選中,被選為「生活類」入圍好書。
  29. 民進黨矽谷支黨部和台灣同步慶祝民進黨黨慶,9月19日(星期六)在庫比蒂諾市王朝海鮮酒家舉行慶祝會,邀請「董事長樂團」與知名歌手「朱頭皮」獻唱。
  30. 台美人陳文成紀念盃網球比賽,在Fremont市的Community Tennis Center舉行,9月12日。
  31. 台獨聯盟美國本部(WUFI-USA)and other 7 Taiwanese American organizations co-sponsored[台灣原住民文化宣達團] 美/加巡迴表演, touring five west coast states and 14 cities for one month and one day.
  32. “Taiwan Yes Festival (台灣夜市)”, sponsored by TAA / Houston in Taiwan Center / Houston.