52. 䈎郁如 Yu-Ru Huang/2015/07

䈎郁如 Yu-Ru Huang

䈎郁如1976年國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業,1978年赴紐約之前曾執教於台北延平中學。1981年在Rochester Institute of Technology, New York取得MFA學位之後,任職於University of Rochester. 1985年成為國際奥美廣告公司在休士頓的第一個台美人的美術指導Art Director, 二度得到Addy Award獎。1995, 參與設計台美人文化教材, 1999年設計李雅彥教授紀念文物圖書館,公開收藏並展示台美人歷史文物。2000起負責休士顿台湾學校文化工作,數次擔任台灣人傳統基金會理事, 設計台美文物展示櫥窗。2005年得到休士頓巿藝術家獎助成立Echoes of Language Project。此案接連在2011和2014得到市府赞助並和法國在德州的藝術團體TFAA合作,在休士頓的越戰紀念區設立一個用來促進社區對話的公共藝術平台。2007年加入亞洲協會Asia Society在德州的建館團隊,促使台美人社區在在會館牆上留名,將台美文化藝術走上主流社會的平台。2009年起至今,加入市府的citizenship month的藝術組,連結當地的國際藝術家致力於多元城市的種族溶合。2014年得到市府贊助開始打造一個可以譲一般人都可以叄與製作的公共藝術,邀請全體台美人,加入此一共同創作。

Yu-Ru is a multimedia artist, artist teacher, art director, and curator. She received her MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, in 1981 and her BA with teaching certificate from National Taiwan Normal University in 1976.  Since 1978, she has had solo and group exhibitions in Taiwan, New York, California, and Texas. Her illustrations and designs for publications have been published in Japan and in the United States. Her awards include an individual artist grant award from CACHH (Cultural Arts Council Houston/Harris County) and two ADDY Awards. Her art project, Echoes of Language, was sponsored by city of Houston in 2012 and 2014. She has designed a memorial library, created displays of historical archives of immigrants, and also established various cultural programs. Since 2009 she has served on the committee for the city of Houston’s annual Citizenship Month arts presentation. She served the development committee for Asia Society in 2007 and continued on to coordinate Taiwanese American community’s participation. She has collaborated with the TFAA to create and installed a piece of public art next to Houston’s Vietnam War Memorial.

Houston Vietnam War Memorial--try this for e mail-1

Talking Door, 越戰紀念公共藝術 Interactive Public Art at a War Memorial, Steel / paint, 84″ x 84″ x 120″  including the sign.


Bong, 網 e 茫夢濛望Installation裝置藝術, paper / light projection, 240″ x 120″ x 120″ , Print 18″ x 14″

"expression of constitution - from a Puzzle to a Talking Robot"

公民 機器人, a Citizen and a Robot, Wood, 24″ x 18″  X 18″

#4 Party of Three- SSSSS

三人, Party of Three, Painting on Canvas , 40″ x 72″


Illustration插畫, Japanese and English publications

源自 䈎郁如

For more bio information, please click link in Who’s Who : 539. Yu-Ru Huang 䈎郁如