14. Evergreen Senior University by Evangelical Formosa Church of Irvine 愛恩台福基督教會長春大學 (ESU)

Evergreen Senior University by Evangelical Formosa Church of Irvine

愛恩台福基督教會長春大學 (ESU)


Purposes: To reach out to the senior in the local community with the opportunities to learn and develop new interests, to make new friends, and to live a healthy and well balanced life, in body, soul and spirit.

Scripture: “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” (John 10:16)

Evergreen Senior University is an outreach program of Evangelical Formosan Church of Irvine (EFCI-ESU) which was established to serve primarily the senior community in the Irvine area; to help them live a happy, healthy and well balanced life; and to introduce them to the faith of eternal life in Jesus Christ. This program is also open to the community friends of all ages, and the classes are conducted in Taiwanese, Mandarin and English. Since its inception in 2014, this program has enrolled and been participated by more than 250 people. ESU offers classes in three trimesters each year.  The classes meet every Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at EFCI located at 17422 Armstrong Ave, Irvine, CA 92614.

Classes offered include: Romanized Taiwanese, English, Japanese Conversation, Spanish, Photography, iPad, Computer, Music, Music Appreciation, Piano Performance, Aerobics, Line Dance, Gourmet Cooking, Flower Arrangement, and drawing.

There are no exams, no homework, and no pressures here. In addition to the ten week classes each quarter, we organize activities for cerebration of seasonal festivals like Lunar New Year, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Moon Festival.  We also invite speakers to hold free workshops on topics of interest and relevant issues in healthy living and good and productive life in general.  We normally provided free lunch on these special occasions, as well as the opening day, and at the end, of each quarter, so the participants have more opportunities to socialize and make new friends.  All these are covered by the registration fee of $40 per trimester.

The founding superintendent of ESU, Dr Frances Yang, was a Gerontology professor at Harvard University specialized in study of Alzheimer and depression among the senior.  She currently lives in the East Coast.  The current superintendent of ESU, Dr David Yang, is a PhD in Applied Linguistics.  All instructor of ESU are volunteers from EFCI with specialized knowledge and skills in the subjects they teach.


成立宗旨: 社區外展


經文根據: 我另外有羊,不是這圈裡的;我必須領他們來,



愛恩長春大學(Evergreen Senior University)是愛恩台福基督教會所設立的外展事工,成立緣起是為服務爾灣地區的年長者,提供他們健康快樂生活,活到老學到老的機會,並期待將基督信仰永生的盼望帶給他們。對象為50歲以上者或<英英美代子>的社區朋友,語言以台語為主,視需要偶而參雜華語與英文。從2014年成立,至今已進入第三年,招生先後總計近250 人。每年開課三季(1-3月,4-6月,7-9月) ,上課地點在愛恩台福基督教會,地址為17422 Armstrong Ave., Irvine, CA 92614,上課時間為每週二上午10 am -12 pm。課程內容包括: Tâi-gí白話字、英文、日文會話、西班牙文、攝影、iPad、電腦、音樂、音樂賞欣、鋼琴演奏、健康操、排舞、讚美操、美食烹飪、花道、繪畫素描等課程。

沒有考試、沒有作業、沒有升班壓力。每季除了十次上課,另外有應景節期慶祝會(如農曆新年、父親節,母親節、端午節、中秋節) ,和免費專題生活講座,暢談相關生活、健康、生命等重要主題。每季的開學與結業謝師、學生成果展,節期慶祝會與生活講座,都提供午餐,讓大家藉著用餐,有時間彼此多認識。本大學不收學費,每季僅收註冊費$40。

長春大學 第一任校長為楊旭絲博士,曾任哈佛大學教授,專精老人痴呆與老人憂鬱研究,她婚後長期居住在外州。現任校長為楊兆隆博士,他是應用語言學博士。所有教師都是義工,按自己所長,服事人群,回饋社區。

源自 楊兆隆 博士 02/2016
