Indiana Hakka Association 印弟安納客家會

印弟安納客家會 Indiana Hakka Association

Indiana Hakka Association was founded by Dr. Feng C. Zhou (周豐嶠)in 1989. Our members came from Taiwan, Kuantung China, and Southeast Asia. Many of them came here as students or business persons, or workers. They have been here for long and settled. They are now scattered in academia, industry, US government, business, restaurant, and trading company.

For major activities, our IHA has been holding two gatherings every year. We usually invite guest speakers to share their knowledge on various topics during our gathering. And, as part of MHA-Chicago (Midwest Hakka Association), our members have participated MHA-sponsored gatherings frequently, including the 2013 World Hakka Conference of Taiwanese Hakka Associations of America and Taiwanese Hakka Association of the World held in Chicago. For Hakka culture exchanges, MHA well-known song member group provided two outstanding concerts (or performances) to our IHA and local community audience.

源自 2015年美洲台灣客家聯合會會刊