378. Agnes Hsu許芝榕, violinist / 2016/12

Agnes Hsu許芝榕, violinist

Taiwanese violinist Chih-Jung Hsu received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University, where she studies violin with Victor Danchenko and Martin Beaver. Chih-Jung had won top prizes at National violin competitions, Baltimore music club competition, and Young Artists Scholarship. She was selected as the youngest in her nation to participate in the Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra Asia Tour to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines, acting as both soloist and concertmaster in 1998. She was also the recipient of Distinguished Scholars awarded by the Lindred Scott Bendann Endowed Scholarship and the Peabody merit scholarship for the undergraduate and graduate studies. Dr. Hsu was selected as a PONT member (Portes Ouvertes aux Nouveaux Talents) for the 2006-2008 season in the Fondation des Etats-Uniswhile pursuing her performance diploma at the music conservatory in Paris. As an active chamber musician she has performed at the Pablo Casals Festival and collaborated with artists Vladimir Mendelssohn and Gerard Poulet. Chih-Jung was awarded a Career Development Grant from the Peabody Institute in 2010.   Hsu currently plays the 1756 Nicolaus Galiano violin on loan from the Chimei foundation. 許芝榕來自於台灣台中市,七歲開始習琴。1998 年獲選為德國政府主辦的世界青年管弦樂團(Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra) 第一屆台灣的代表團員,於1998-1999樂季寒暑期巡迴歐洲及亞洲.同年獲得林德. 史考特. 班登 基金會 (Lindred Scott Bendann Endowed Scholarship) 獎學金赴美國琵琶地音樂院就讀。其後直升碩博士也都在同一所學校完成。2009 年獲得約翰. 霍普金司大學琵琶地音樂學院 (The Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University) 頒發音樂藝術博士學位 (Doctor of Musical Arts in Violin Performance) 博士研究的期間有近兩年在法國巴黎進修. 於2006-2008法國時期是美國駐法國基金會 (Fondation des Etats-Unis)的常任藝術人才, PONT Artist in Residence- Portes Ouvertes aux Nouveaux Talents (Young Artists) 。2006-2007 獲得法國國立馬梅松音樂院 Conservatoire National de Région de Rueil-Malmaison in France 最高演奏文憑- 第一獎 Supérieur- le Premier Prix (first prize) 旅法時期也聘任在美國基金會的文化交流部門工作, 安排接待過美法兩國的學術藝術交流活動, 如芝加哥大學的經濟系諾貝爾得主在基金會舉辦的研討會, 還有各種藝術展覽及音樂活動. 在美法期間曾先後師事 Martin Beaver, Victor Danchenko, Piotr Milewski, Gerard Poulet 等教授。2006 受邀和世界知名中提琴家 維拉第米爾. 孟德爾頌 Vladmir Mendelssohn 一起於法國卡薩爾斯音樂節Festival Pablo Casals de Prades登台表演室內樂。2010 獲頒美國琵琶地音樂學院有潛力藝術發展獎金。

Source from Taiwanese American Conference / West Coast 2013/07

More information please click in who’s who: 1447. Agnes Hsu 許芝榕