42. North America Pastel Artist Association 北美粉彩畫家協會

Introduction of North America Pastel Artists Association


〈北美粉彩畫家協會〉是由獲頒美國粉彩畫大師的張哲雄,及其好友在1997年成立於紐約。當時在紐約的亞裔社區,對於粉彩藝術還鮮為人知,經過北美粉彩畫協會每年舉辦畫展、技法示範、開班授課等活動,這十多年來,已使得眾多的藝術愛好者認識了粉彩畫的藝術價值與魅力。不僅在美國的畫壇得到關注,遠在亞洲地區的台灣、中國之粉彩畫家也熱烈的參與,由北美粉彩畫家協會所策劃的展覽活動。著名的藝術組織如美國粉彩畫協會(Pastel Society of America) 、美國藝術家聯合會(Allied Artists of America)、美國專業藝術家聯盟(America Artists Professional League)、奧杜邦藝術家(Audubon Artists Inc.) 、法國粉彩畫協會( Art Du Pastel En France )、皆與北美粉彩畫協會建立良好的合作關係。另位於台北藝術園區之國立台灣藝術教育館,近年來也積極地在台灣推廣粉彩藝術教育,該館之館長吳祖勝先生,相當重視粉彩藝術的發展,2007年曾與北美粉彩畫協會合辦『國際粉彩畫家邀請展』預定 2010年將再舉辦同一性質之第二屆邀請展。吳館長且策劃了『粉彩藝術教師研習會 』 每年一至兩次,預期粉彩藝術在台生根、茁壯,成為台灣藝術創作的強項。欲知其他的訊息,請參看各欄的資料,並可以EMail聯絡:info@pastelartist.net

North America Pastel Artists Association was established by Master Patelist Jason Chang and his friends in 1997. NAPAA has been holding its annual exhibition since then. It also sponsored international competitions such as Taiwan Center First and Second Annual International Pastel Open Juried Exhibitions in New York in 2005 and 2006. Recently, NAPAA also sponsored an International Patel Artists Invitational Exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan at the National Taiwan Arts Education Center in 2007. It’s a government organization and owns a museum that looks like an gallery. The Second annual exhibition will be held in May 2010. Pastel medium exhibitions sponsored by National Taiwan Arts Education will continue to take place every few years. This is the Taiwanese government’s effort to promote Pastel medium in the art field for its citizens. NAPPA had also held additional exhibitions that were co-sponsored with other art organizations such as Pastel Society of America and Art du Pastel en France.

The NAPAA provides pastel classes in Flushing Queens New York City. Please check other information from the website. Email Contact:info@pastelartist.net

