273. 對台美團體未來的新思維 / 蘇希三 /01/2017


作者 蘇希三

謝謝董事們辛勞地籌備,讓台灣同鄉會的新春晚會再回人間聖路易。特別感謝謝昌宏董事,他挑起總策劃的重擔,雖然臨時有要事需要出國,仍然拼到最後一天。若有人願意代替他本來計畫要兼扮的財神爺,還有機會試看看。什麼話都不需要講,出現時間也自己決定,給大家、你、跟家人一個意外的驚奇。願意的人請私訊給我 (groh.hisam@gmail.com314-488-5150)







蘇希三 1/20/2017

Thanks to the member of the board for the hard work of planning and preparation that brings the Lunar New Year gathering back to the community of Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis, with special thanks to Roger Hsieh, who carries the burden of the coordinator working through the last day before the event even when his visit to Taiwan is unexpectedly moved up. Anyone willing to take his place playing the role of “god of fortune” the opportunity is still open for trying. The god of fortune decides when to appear, without saying anything, and give oneself and the family a surprising joy. Those willing to try please send me a private message to groh.hisam@gmail.com  or call 314-488-5150.

Since official announcements are always boring, I would try to avoid messing up the atmosphere by doing that in the dinner party of our Lunar New Year celebration but blabbing about some issues relevant to the TAA-STL, Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis. I am trying to see if some ripples can be stirred up to facilitate the advancement of our community of Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis. You are welcome to raise questions or jump into discussions.

Making the long stories short, we need to figure out the reasons, methods, and strategies to continue the games. The most fundamental is, perhaps, how we can make a living and live up our lives here in St. Louis.

In the past, living in St. Louis as guests, we were concerned about how to maximize the ultimate effect of being here, such as, making the most monetary return as we could, buying the stuffs at lowest prices, increasing the numbers in the saving accounts, obtaining as much benefit as possible, and also, where might be a better place to move to.

Those who stay in St. Louis after a while seem to have different frames of mind nowadays. The newcomers don’t seem to have the similar burden as the predecessors did. We are concerned about when and where to take a sightseeing tour, to visit homeland Taiwan, to dine out, aren’t we?

Are we having common requirements or needs? If not, then there might be no reason for us to meet in a gathering. The TAA-STL that can only provide occasion for meeting together would lose the function and lack the incentives for people to become members.

There should be some reasons which need to be searched, talked about, developed, and managed, sociologically speaking.

Being migrants or sojourners of similar conditions, what do we have in common?  In a nutshell, it is our common identity. It is true that some people carry multiple identities on their back and be able to join other groups for warming themselves or obtaining benefits, without being tied to any particular sense of identity.

The commonality we share is perhaps that we all come from Taiwan, have received and being nourished and washed by the contemporary Taiwan culture, carry similar merits and shortages of Taiwanese attributes and, currently live in the St. Louis area continuing to live under the umbrellas of Taiwan and USA.

Now matter how we try nobody can change the identity from one to another completely. Our emotions can be only understood, tolerated, or appreciated, in the circle of our fellows of similar homeland culture. We need common or similar reasons for others to admire to in the society at large.

If we have ever admire that people with certain racial/ethnic group identity are awesome it means it is possible our identity can receive similar  respect, more or less. This is something we can work on and unleash our energy for. This is why the TAA-STL has changed  the purposes to the development and display of our heritage of Taiwanese Americas using social activities as means and processes for gathering the energy and efforts together. This is quite different from the past when we placed the mingling  as the main purpose in the old time when the TAA-STL was first formed.

Talking about friendship-orientation there is new space to paint. While we provide opportunities to meet old friends in the past we need to emphasize making new friends and expand networking nowadays.

So what is next, with shared identity and the related platforms, besides having good feeling about ourselves?  Common identity and the sense of identification all need to be managed, maintained, continuously. Practically, the sense of identification is also target, excuse, or media of competition, suppression, and bullying, This is why some people stay away from it’s dilemma, especially when getting caught in between two mutually exclusive identities. Some people prefer floating downstream light-heartedly while others choose to swim against the current. This is also a scenery of nature. Are there anything else?

There is one thing that is built and dependent on identity. The homeland people tend to accompany, support, provide opportunity, appreciate, encourage, bicker one another. This can be facilitated very easily because the most ancient yet popular entertainment is chatting. Chatting is not only entertaining but also help to balance state of minds and body, facilitate education, training, and expanding networking. In this coming dinner gathering, or perhaps from now on, we can design special process to make chatting the highlight program of the gathering. Every participant will have opportunity not only to play the role of talk-show guests and chat in public but also play the role of talk-show host to inspire and lead the chatting involving all. Mutual learning, encouragement among the homeland people are household activities and we have no reason to feel embarrassed about making a fool of ourselves.

This is the first step of a new direction, new atmosphere, new style, and new hope. 2017 is obviously the beginning of a new era and we will not be exempted.

See you Saturday afternoon.

Anthony H. Su 1/20/2017

Source from 蘇希三 01/2017

Posted in 01/2017