2. Taiwanese Association of America Election 全美台灣同鄉會會長選舉

2018 TAA-USA Election Committee:

Chair:  林敏璋 現任TAA Pittsburgh會長   Johnny Lin <johnny_m_lin@yahoo.com>


陳梅君 現任TAA Pittsburgh理事   Maggie Lin <mlin45@hotmail.com>

蔡欣玲 現任TAA Pittsburgh 榮譽會長   SingLing Tsai <sing_ling@yahoo.com>

彭建中 現任TAA Pittsburgh 理事   Jacob Peng  <jacobpeng@gmail.com>

邱建洋 現任TAA Pittsburgh 理事   Frank Chiu < frank.chiucy@gmail.com>

Here are the important dates for your reference should you decide to nominate: 

  1. The TAA-USA election process is only eligible to those TAA Chapters which have paid TAA-USA membership dues by 9/30/2018.
  2. Nomination: until 9/30/2018. Candidates can be nominated either by a TAA Chapter, by a TAA-USA Regional Director, or endorsed by 100 TAA members. The nomination must be in written form with official TAA Chapter letterhead, with a statement of the reasons for such a nomination. The nomination must have the consent from the candidates.
  3. To become a candidate, one has to submit to the Election Committee a 2-page statement listing your ideas and visions on how to contribute to the TAA communities and convincing the electorates why they should vote for you. To complete the candidate registration process, the candidate for the President must send a check of $1500 payable to TAA-USA and mail to the Chair of Election Committee,  Minchang Lin (Address:  1802 Windham Ct, Sewickley, PA 15143), to cover incidental expenses during the election process (The unused portion will be refunded). The eligible candidates for President and VP will be announced before 10/8/2018.
  4. The ballots will be mailed by 10/22/2018, and the Election Committee must receive the returned ballots by 11/18/2018.
  5. The election results will be published by 11/30/2018.
  6. The new TAA-USA President and VP will take office on 1/1/2019.

Posted on 09/17/2018

2016 TAA-USA Election AnnouncementCommittee

依據全美台灣同鄉會 會長副會長選舉罷免辦法 (二〇〇〇年六月十日通過的第六次修正版)第一條條文、及全美台 灣同鄉會於二〇一六年四月三十日、五月一日假芝加哥台灣文教中心 召開的全美台灣同鄉會各分會會長/代表 大會決議、委託芝加哥分會成立選務小組、負責二〇一六年全美台灣 同鄉會 會長/副會長選舉之選務工作

TAAGCC has formed a 5-member 2016TAA-USA Election Committee. The Committee members are listed below:

2016 TAA-USA Election Committee:

Chair:  沈耀初 現任TAAGCC會長   Eric Shen <eshen43@gmail.com>


黄慶鍾: 現任全美台灣同鄉會中西區理事長   Ching-Chong Huang< ccmhuang88@gmail.com>
蘇俊文: 現任TAAGCC 監事    Su Clark Chun-Wen <chunwen4@gmail.com>
鄧培德: 現任TAAGCC 理事    Peter Teng  <peter_teng@att.net>
楊欣晉: 現任北美工程師協會伊州分會副會長 Hsin-Jing Yang <hsinjinyang@gmail.com>
Here are the important dates for your reference should you decide to nominate: 

1. The TAA-USA election process is only eligible to those TAA Chapters which have paid TAA-USA membership dues by 8/31/2016.

2. Nomination: until 9/30/2016. Candidates can be nominated either by a TAA Chapter, by a TAA-USA Regional Director, or endorsed by 100 TAA members. The nomination must be in written form with official TAA Chapter letterhead, with a statement of the reasons for such a nomination. The nomination must have the consent from the candidates.

3. To become a candidate, one has to submit to the Election Committee a 2-page statement listing your ideas and visions on how to contribute to the TAA communities and convincing the electorates why they should vote for you. To complete the candidate registration process, the candidate for the President must send a check of $1500 payable to TAA-USA and mail to the Chair of Election Committee, Attention TAAGCC Treasurer Ms. Hwei-Mei Yang  (Address:  7292 Claridge Ct. , Long Grove, IL 60060), to cover incidental expenses during the election process (The unused portion will be refunded). The eligible candidates for President and VP will be announced before 10/8/2016.

4. The ballots will be mailed by 10/22/2016, and the Election Committee must receive the returned ballots by 11/18/2016.

5. The election results will be published by 11/30/2016.

6. The new TAA-USA President and VP will take office on 1/1/2017.

Posted in 08/2016



Source from Taiwan Tribune 12/10/1992

Posted in 08/2016