1028. Collection of Equivalent Proverbs in Five Languages / Albert F. Chang /-/2012/Language/語言

Collection of Equivalent Proverbs in Five Languages

by Albert F. Chang

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This book is based on the author’s book written in Japanese published by Keibunsha of Tokyo, Japan in 2007. In view of the fact that English is almost the universal language and is the second language to many, the author believes an English version of the book will serve more readers and decided to write this version. Among the revisions from the Japanese version are the change in the order the proverbs are listed and some proverbs originally in Chapter 2 are now moved to Chapter 1 because equivalents in all five languages have been found. Some unnecessary explanations are removed. All tables in Chapter 3 are newly generated.

Albert F. Chang May 2011

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Published in 2012

Donated by Albert F. Chang 08/2016

Posted in 08/2016