Taiwanese Association of Rochester (TAR) 羅徹斯特台灣同鄉會

羅徹斯特台灣同鄉會 Taiwanese Association of Rochester (TAR)

羅徹斯特台灣同鄕會成立於1976年,由曾章先生擔任第一任會長。 2001年本會正式變更為美國非營利公益法人(Not-For-Profit Corporation)。同鄕會的宗旨在於提倡台灣文化,服務同鄕。三十多年來本會舉辦過無數次聯誼和慶祝活動,並聯繫台灣文藝團體在羅徹斯特演出。本會附屬的常青會和愛鄕合唱團也經常舉辦社交和文宣活動。歡迎對台灣認同的朋友參加本會。

The Taiwanese Association of Rochester (TAR) was established in 1976 by a group of Taiwanese Americans living in the Greater Rochester area, with Dr. James Tzeng as its first president. The Association provides service to its members and promotes Taiwanese cultural and social activities in the Greater Rochester Area. In addition to scheduled activities throughout the year on major American and Taiwanese holidays, TAR and its subgroups, the Evergreen Club and the Taiwanese Choral Society, also offer periodic entertaining and social gatherings. TAR was incorporated under Section 402 of the U.S. Not-For-Profit Corporation Law in 2001. We sincerely invite anyone who is interested in Taiwanese culture to join us.

