T. A. Archives

Wishing you Health and Prosperity in the New Year!

2020 in Review:

  1. President Trump signed Taiwan Assurance Act into law 12/27/2020.
  2. Covid-19 vaccines were authorized for use 12/2020.
  3. The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives were elected. At least 131 Taiwan friendly senators/congress Representatives were elected 11/2020.
  4. Taiwanese American Ted Lieu was re-elected from California’s 33rd congressional district as U.S. Congressman 11/2020.
  5. The U.S. announced three US$1.8 billion arms sales to Taiwan 10/2020.
  6. President Tsai Ing-Wen was listed as one of [THE 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2020] in TIME magazine 09/2020.
  7. The passing of T. A. Archives’ founder Dr. Bob Cheng.
  8. Under secretary of the US State Department Keith Krach led a delegation to visit Taiwan and attended the memorial service of the late President Lee Teng-hui 09/2020.
  9. For the first time in 40 years, US Secretary of State congratulated President Tsai Ing-wen as the President of Taiwan 05/2020.
  10. T. A. Community donated medical protective devices to the hospitals in Covid-19 hard hit areas thru out the United States.
  11. Covid-19 is the 21 Century Calamity of Human, started in Jan. 2020 and spread to the world. Taiwanese American organizations were forced to cancel or change to virtual activities. 
  12. Andrew Yang is the first Taiwanese American as an American Presidential candidate (2020), and he is planning to run for the Mayor of New York City in 2022.
  13. Taiwanese Americans strongly supported President Tsai Ing-wen re-election, went back to Taiwan to vote, and she won the majority vote on Jan. 11, 2020.

Recent Posts:

778. 悼念洪哲勝/姚煒廉/12/2020

777. 病房隨筆:我感染了新冠病毒/吴承琮/12/2020

363. 戒嚴時期關注台灣人權的國際力量/12/2020

362. Recent Christie Park renovation provides U-District new community space donated by the Taiwanese American community in Greater Seattle/12/2020


Donation in December:

1. A historical letter from President-elect Biden to our T. A. friend Chungchin Chen concerning Kaoshsiung Incident 美麗島事件 in 1980

2. One book donated by Dr. Jou 周明峰醫師


3. Formosan Presbyterian Church Los Angles’ 50th Anniversary Commemorative issue

4. Two books donated by Prof. Tien C. Lee 李典常教授.


Information about T. A. Archives:

We collect History of Taiwanese Americans:  Stories, Activities, Newsletters, Publications, Documents, Photos, Videos, Paintings, Artifacts, and anything related to Taiwanese American Community or Individuals. Please send emails to the email address listed on the bottom of this page.

Progress in December 2020:

There are 46 new subjects collected in December and the total posts are 9454.

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With your support, Taiwanese American dreams will come true.