August 2022 Edition (#89) View this online
T. A. Archives






     我們已將原先收藏於中心的書籍移轉UC San Diego Library,待圖書館編目完成之後,可以讓更多使用者看到記錄台美人的相關藏書。後續,我們也將整理原先收藏於中心的報紙、雜誌等文物,希望能更加妥善的保存和利用這些珍貴的史料和文物。


     近期,我們在爾灣的展覽空間也在重新裝修,希望能盡快以新的面貌和大家見面。此外,於UC San Diego的空間也正和學校做最後的商談,希望也能在下半年提供完善、嶄新的空間給大家參訪。


    此外,我們也收到來自UT Government professor, Dr. Amy Liu 的研究計畫問券調查,想研究台美人對於台灣的移民制度的相關調查,若您有興趣參與調查,麻煩點選下方連結:






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TA Archives’ current plans and goal


Dear Friends,


Thank you for supporting Taiwanese American Archives. We would like to briefly outline current steps that TA Archives is trying to undertake:


The TA Archive will integrate with UCSD Taiwan Studies Center. We have moved the books to UCSD Library in May. After cataloged, users can search and find those books from UCSD Library’s website. For the next step, we are trying to renovate the exhibition space in Irvine, we hope can reopen the space in the next few months. In addition, we are also negotiating an exhibition space in UCSD. We will provide more information once we get the final decision from UCSD.


In the meanwhile, UT Government professor, Dr. Amy Liu, and other colleagues are doing a project on attitudes of the Taiwanese in the US towards immigration (to Taiwan), Taiwanese national healthcare insurance, and mother tongue language classes (in Taiwan). If you are a Taiwanese in the US (regardless of citizenship status for either country), please consider participating in the survey. It would help amplify the distinct Taiwanese voice in the US. The survey is 5-10 minutes and available in English and Chinese. There will be a drawing for twenty $50 Amazon gift cards.


This project is supported by the Center for Taiwan Studies at UT Austin.


To take the survey, please click the link below.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this email address


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Best Regards,

TA Archives Team

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