1. The Greater Washington Taiwanese American Chorus 華府台灣合唱團/2014/09

The Greater Washington Taiwanese American Chorus


greater_dc_chorusThe Greater Washington Taiwanese American Chorus was organized in 2005 under artistic conductor Mr. Chin-Sung Chen for the express purpose of performing the Taiwanese songs and a tribute to the Taiwanese composers.

We are dedicated to bring you the beauty of choral music to enrich your soul and advance the choral arts. Your support is very important and will enhance great music work in our community. There are many ways to support the Taiwanese-American Chorus, such as Becoming a Patron or Sponsor, Donating Time or Services, Giving the Gift of Music or Donations…and etc.


本團選唱多種語言之歌曲,但仍以台語歌曲為主,自成立以來出席多場演唱會,將親切的鄉音帶入大華府地區,每年皆應邀出席228紀念會、海華文藝季演 唱會、台灣同鄉會和台灣文化活動的義演,參加過海外華僑混聲合唱觀摩比賽及911紀念音樂會。2007年歲末獨立首辦「寶島四季謠」的音樂會,演唱台灣流 傳經典民謠,獻出團員的熱情與心聲,甚獲良好讚賞與鼓勵的回嚮。於2009年應邀紐約林肯中心費雪音樂廳參與盛大的『全球榮星樂展』演唱會,團員們都興高釆烈獻出熱情的歌聲與心聲,歷經大場面的舞台,共享光榮與見識,提昇了信心,更加鼓舞起演唱的熱愛和勉勵努力求進的自律自愛的合唱精神。