127. Cliff Yang 楊子清, Conductor / 2015/01

Cliff Yang 楊子清, Conductor

楊子清Cliff Yang, conductor of Half-Step Chorus, is a computer spe­cialist and a leader in the Taiwanese American community. For more than 30 years, Yang has devoted himself in church choirs and community chorus as a conductor. One of his career high­lights was featured by an honor of conducting a joint choir con­sisting of hundreds of well-trained singers from various church­es in 1984.

楊子清先生,專精電腦,曾任職Xerox及IBM,歷任台灣人 聯合基金會會長台美公民協會總會會長、太平洋時報發行人等要職。楊 子清先生從小即酷愛音樂,曾先後拜師學習小提琴、聲樂、音樂理論、作 曲等,在教會聖歌隊、學校及社團合唱團擔任指揮,長達三十餘年。一九 八二年在馳名遐通的水晶大教堂舉行的三干人「感恩節音樂會」,集全美 台灣人樂壇菁英於一堂,會中的高潮「百人大合唱」就是由楊子清先生所 指揮,至今仍為人津津樂道。

摘自 TUF 15th Annual Taiwnese Cultural Banquet program book on Sep. 2, 2001