169. Rose Chen陳慧如, Conductor / 2015/03

Rose Chen 陳慧如, Conductor

陳慧如An accomplished pianist and chamber musician, Rose was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, and began attending schools specializing in music at age six.  She won first prize in the Kawai Piano Competition for Young Artists, and was invited to perform in the National Concert Hall of Taiwan at age 12.  After winning awards in several other piano competitions in her native Taiwan, driven by a very curious and adventurous heart Rose moved to the United States in 1997.

Rose received her Bachelor of Music degree in piano at the New England Conservatory in Boston; her Masters at the San Francisco Conservatory; and her Doctorate of Musical Arts in Keyboard Collaborative Arts at the USC Thornton School of Music.

In addition to her busy performance schedule, Rose is currently teaching at Biola University.  She has also appeared in master classes with Midori, the Eroica Trio, Takacs Quartet and Julliard Quartet.

Having lived in and traveled to numerous regions of the world, Rose’s vision of music is both wide and deep.  She is involved in research in Asian and Middle Eastern music; jazz is also a big interest.  To Rose, chamber music of all kinds remains the most natural and effective means of expressing herself and bringing the joy of music-making to people everywhere.

One of our original Artists in Residence as a member of the Blue Rose Trio, we are thrilled to welcome Rose back as our Artist in Residence for our 2010-2011 seasons.

陳慧如(Rose Chen)在台灣長大,七歲開始學琴,榮獲多項鋼琴 比賽獎牌,12歲時受邀至國家音樂廳演出。台灣師大附中畢業後,

即來美國波士頓攻讀演奏學士 ,2003年以全額獎學金資格進入南加大 音樂系繼續深造鋼琴伴奏及室内樂碩士,並兼任助教。

陳慧如與她成立約兩年的Blue Rose Trio鋼琴三重奏在多項室内 樂大賽都榮獲獎項;已在Los Angeles舉辦多場音樂會,也至 Sacramento,San Francisco,Seattle等地巡迴演出’並連續兩年受邀參與巴西音樂節的演出。