26. The wildfires in S. CA in December 2017

加州史上最大 湯瑪斯野火燒到明年

12月4日在南加州爆發至今的「湯瑪斯野火」(Thomas Fire),延燒面積超過1106.4平方公里,將近4個台北市大小,成為自有紀錄以來加州史上最大野火。

綜合外媒報導,「湯瑪斯野火」成為加州自1932年有紀錄以來的史上最大野火,延燒面積超過1106.4平方公里,1063建築遭焚毀,包含1名消防員在內有2人不幸在這場森林大火中罹難,火勢最猛烈的時候,相關單位共投入了8500名消防員來對抗火勢,隨著最近幾天助長火勢的「聖安娜風」(Santa Ana Winds)減弱,天氣溼度增加,肆虐20天的「湯瑪斯野火」開始獲得控制。



摘自 美洲台灣日報/自由時報1223

A series of 22 wildfires ignited across Southern California in early December 2017. Six of the fires became major fires that led to widespread evacuations and property losses. The fires were exacerbated by unusually powerful and long-lasting Santa Ana winds, as well as large amounts of dry vegetation, due to an unusually dry rainy season thus far. California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in Ventura and Los Angeles counties on December 5, and San Diego County on December 7. Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti declared a state of emergency for the city on December 6. U.S. President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency for the state of California on December 8. The largest fire is the Thomas Fire, which has grown to 242,500 acres. The fires have caused traffic disruptions, school closures, hazardous air conditions, massive power outages, and have forced over 212,000 people to evacuate, with the fires burning over 276,000 acres (1,117 km2). This swarm of wildfires occurred at the end of an unusually active and destructive wildfire season. The December 2017 wildfires are predicted by experts to cost at least billions of dollars in insured damages alone.

Posted in 12/2017