25.陳玲銖 Nancy Yang

陳玲銖 Nancy Yang

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Yang



2003 年,她得了美國紐約州卡透納畫廊第一屆多元藝術比賽的最佳作品獎,因而成為該畫廊的特展畫家及畫廊成員。2011年及2013 年,她得到西班牙(Oviedo, Spain) 第一、二屆國際粉彩雙年展的Artemiranda Award.

她在二十年前曾以電腦專業登上美國名人錄 (Marquis Who’s Who in America), 2014 年則以藝術成就再度入選。

Nancy Yang graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a Master’s degree in Statistics and  a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.

She is now the president of the Pastel Association of Taiwan, a signature member of the Pastel Society of America and a full member of Audubon Artists Inc.  She is also a member of the Pastel Society of Spain, the North American Pastel Artists Association and Allied Artists of America, Inc.

In 2003, she won Best in Show at the First Annual Multimedia Juried Competition and Art Exhibition at the Katonah Village Gallery, Katonah, NY.  She then became the featured artist in June of that year and was a gallery member from 2003 until the gallery closed in 2006.

In 2011 and 2013, she won the Artemiranda Award at the First and Second International Biennial Pastel Shows in Oviedo, Spain.

She was listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America twenty years ago for her contributions in computing.  In 2014, she is again listed for her accomplishments in art.

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Y_Bountiful- V 75x90cm

Bountiful- V 75×90 cm Pastel 粉彩

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Y_Meditationu6C88u601D

Meditation 84 x 67 cm Pastel 粉彩

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Y_Repulse 72 x 86cm

Repulse 72 x 86 cm Pastel 粉彩

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Y_u5927u5CFDu8C37u6668u5149_Misty Morning Light 68  x86cm

Misty Morning Light 68 x 86 cm Pastel 粉彩

25.陳玲銖 Nancy Y_u6625u8015Rice Farmer in Barli 80 x 60cm

Rice Farmer in Barli 80 x 60 cm Pastel 粉彩