295. Shu-Hui Janet Tsai 蔡淑慧 Organist/ 2015/10

Shu-Hui Janet Tsai 蔡淑慧, Organist


Janet Tsai earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Church Music from Taiwan Theological College & Seminary. She started taking organ lessons during her junior year with Alice Chen at the college. Janet had been named the first prize winner for the organ scholarship competition in 2001 and 2002.

Janet received her Master of Music degree in Organ Performance at University of Louisville, where she won the “Melvin Dickenson Organ Scholarship” and was selected as “Outstanding Student in Organ Study” in 2005. Moreover, she served as an organist in Buechel Park Baptist Church during her study in Louisville.

Currently, Janet is a Doctoral candidate in Organ Performance at the College-Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, where she studied with Dr. Roberta Gary. Janet won the second prize for the Strader Organ Competition in 2008. She served as a music director at Church By the Woods (OH) and as an organist in Buechel Park Baptist Church (KY) and Montfort Heights United Methodist Church (OH). Currently, she is the organist in Westminster Presbyterian Church (Elgin, IL).

 蔡淑慧 / 管風琴

在台灣神學院就讀期間,首次接觸管風琴,於2001-2002年榮獲管風琴獎學金。於2005年獲得 Melvin Dickenson 管風琴獎學金並進入University of Louisville攻讀管風琴演奏碩士學位,並於當年榮獲學校” Outstanding Student in Organ Study”獎項。2007年獲全額獎學金進入University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music攻讀管風琴演奏博士學位,師事 Dr. Roberta Gary 。

2008 年獲得Strader Organ 比賽第二名。曾任Buechel Park Baptist Church(KY)、 Church by the Woods(OH) 、Monfort Heights United Methodist Church (OH) 之管風琴師。目前為Westminster Presbyterian Church (IL) 管風琴師。