743. 2009 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant/大洛杉磯台灣會館/2009/08/Magazines/雜誌

2009 台美親善小姐

Miss Taiwanese American


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董事長的話 賴英慧

I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone that came to enjoy the pageant this evening. There are many people who have come together contributed to make this evening possible. I would personally like to thank the committee chairs, the board members of the Taiwan Center, all sponsors, and all the accomplished young ladies that have taken part in our pageant.

The idea of this beauty pageant was conceived by the members of the Taiwan Center. We believed that we needed an ambassador to be the face of Taiwanese America and to help promote key Taiwanese American issues. Foremost is the U.S. Census that takes place every ten years. We feel that it is extremely important to convey the message to Taiwanese Americans to stand up and be counted as a separate identity group. By having a Miss Taiwanese American, she can serve as a spokesperson and community liaison or volunteer. We also felt it to be of utmost importance to give opportunities for young Taiwanese women to gather and take pride in their unique identity and heritage. It has been an amazing experience to see what these confident young women can achieve!

Lastly, I would like to thank you for all of your support. Without of all your support, we would not be able to accomplish anything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Remark from chair person of Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles,    Inghuey Lin



“台美親善小姐” 在許多人全心全力的付出下,才能讓今晚晚會成功舉行,在此我要特別感謝委員會召 集人、會館董事會成員、各界支待贊助廠商以及我們最重要的参選佳麗們。

主辦“台美親善小姐”的動機是來自於所有台灣會館會員們的主意。我們相信我們需要一個代表所有令台美人的大使來幫忙促進宣揚所有台美人相闞的主題,最重要的就是每十年的進行一次的美國人口普查。 我們深覺宣導台美人站出來為自己的“台美人”的身分在人口普查中以另一個種族來分開計算是一項非常重要的工作;台美親善小姐就可以擔任我們的發言人及與社區間聯絡或義工連結的橋樑。

我們也認為 “台美親善小姐”可以提供給我們年輕的台灣女士們一個好的機會,藉此盛會,讓分佈於南 加州各地的台美年輕一代的女性匯集一起,以自己獨特的傳統文化及身分為傲。

看著各個自信、亮麗迷人的年輕台美佳麗的全心參與這項有意氣的活動,本人感到非常榮幸能有這樣的 經歷。


大洛杉磯台灣會館基金會董事長 賴英慧

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Posted in 2015/06