744. 2010 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant/大洛杉磯台灣會館/2010/08/Magazines/雜誌

2010 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant

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TAIWAN Center President’s Message  John Hsu

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our honored guests, friends and family, and all the744_2010 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant.doc - 0002 participants of the pageant. Welcome to the 3rd “Miss Taiwanese American Pageant” Final Night. Your presence is our greatest honor and pleasure.

The 2009 Miss Taiwanese American and the princesses have actively participated in the 2010 Census. They have helped propagate the importance of this once every decade census to the Taiwanese Americans. Moreover, they have served as ambassadors, showing Taiwanese culture, heritage and arts to fellow Taiwanese Americans and the main stream society, promoting mutual understanding between the two different cultures. Through the selection process, these young and accomplished Taiwanese American ladies reveal the charm of their character and discover their potentials by interacting and learning from each other. The competitions promote the expressions of their virtues and encourage them to be proud of being Taiwanese Americans.

I am very excited to see so many pretty young faces amongst our midst. We are very proud of them as we watch them walking with confidence and elegance on the stage.

I would like to thank all the members of the organizing committee, the committee chairs, the board members of Taiwan Center, all the sponsors and all the participants of the Pageant, without them this event would not be possible. I would like to thank the honored guests and fellow Taiwanese Americans, your support has made this event special and memorable.


歡迎及感謝各位鄉親、嘉賓及所有參賽的佳麗蒞臨台灣會館主辦的第三屆「台美親善小姐」決選晚會,您們的 參與為這個晚會帶來無限光彩。

二〇〇九年的「台美親善小姐」及公主們,不僅在美國十年一度的人口普查中為台美人做了宣導的工作,讓台美 人更瞭解人口普查的重要性而更積極參與人口普查的工作;她們還積極參與台美人及美國社會的活動,宣導台 灣文化並讓美國社會更瞭解台灣及其傳統、藝術、文化。

「台美親善小姐」的選拔,讓「台美人」的年青女士、小姐們有機會一展所長秀出台美人的亮麗、氣質及內 涵。藉此機會,也讓各地的台美佳麗能聚集在一起,除了互較長短,更能互相學習,並能因此而激勵她們以生 為台灣人及擁有台灣人獨特的傳統文化為榮。

非常高興此次我們有這麼多的台美佳麗參與我們的活動,看到她們以自信、高貴的姿態走上舞台,我們也會為 她們感到驕傲,我相信她們除了臝得頭銜,也會從參與中學習而獲益。

最後,我要感謝所有參與籌備的同仁、鄉親,沒有他們的費心費力、這次大會就不可能順利舉行,我也再次感 謝所有在座的貴賓及鄉親,您的支持讓此次選拔會因此而隆重。

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Posted in 2015/06