835. 懷念的台灣菜/北美州台灣婦女會北加州分會/2013/-/Life/生活





President, NATWA-NC (2012-2013)



我們的忠實會員-謝吳阿鳳女士,也就是最愛煮料理獎勵我們的謝媽媽,以近九十高齡像母親一般,傳授她累積的經驗和捌步,負責編輯的姊妹努力學習更加發揮精研,成這本新食譜,這種熱忱不外想促進下一代能夠嚐到母親或祖母的口味,煮出色,香,味俱全,合乎現代生活步調,健康又 環保的台灣菜。讓我們繼續台灣文化的傳承工 作在北美更廣闊的天地!


President, TACL-SF (2011-2012)




Cossette Tsung-hung Sun

President, NATWA-NC (2012-2013)

As a member of NATWA-NC, I had the privilege of sampling the best Taiwanese cooking in many homes and at our social gatherings. The recipes in this newly updated cook book were reviewed by several members of NATWA-NC and TACL over a period of two years.

NATWA-NC is a chapter of North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA) with the purpose of promoting Taiwanese culture. The driving force of this project was fueled by passion and purpose for the love of Taiwanese cuisine. Eighteen years have passed; the original contributors of the first edition are passionate about updating recipes in a new edition. Our beloved member Shieh Ma Ma in her late eighties taught us how to cook the real Taiwanese cuisine; and all committee members wanted to show the cooking techniques to our children, grand children for generation to come. In cooperation with the Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL), the Cookbook Committee proudly presents this collection of Taiwanese cuisine that tastes “good,” looks “good,” and smells “good.”

Stephen Su

President, TACL-SF (2011-2012)

Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) is a national or­ganization whose mission is to improve the quality of life of Taiwanese Americans in the United States. Although TACL has programs like the annual Political Internship, the LYF and LID summer youth camps, and US Census outreach, the project that people constantly ask about is the Taiwanese cookbook. Food is the bridge between all Taiwanese Americans young and old. It has been a pleasure working with NATWA-NC for the past two years, and I look forward to sharing the result of cross-generational Taiwanese American collaboration at its best.


Posted in 2015/07