595. 想念您,媽媽李楊娟娟女士 / 李碧娥 /10/2017


作者 李碧娥

媽媽李楊娟娟女士,於2015年8 月22日蒙主恩召,走過幸福圓滿的一生,享年88歲。




1974年爸媽移民美國,隨即投資在旅館及其他房地產。當年媽媽已經47歲,已過慣台灣很優越的生活。來 到美國,語言不通,也不會開車,真是困難重重。但是為了在異鄉重新創業,媽媽更不怕辛勞,親自著手買布料,做窗簾來美化旅館。為了克服語言的困難,又到附近成人學校學英語。真是發揮台灣女性吃苦耐勞的精神。

爸媽生性慷慨好客,家裏訪客不斷。記得小時候,五姑婆,六姑婆都常常來我們家做客。爸媽也一直都是晚輩最喜歡的三舅、三妗,阿姑、姑丈,阿姨、姨丈。來美國後,不只是親戚朋友來訪,還有很多素未生平的 人也會來請教旅館的投資及經營。一個小插曲,當年中華少棒隊來美參加比賽,爸爸還提供旅館免費住宿。



1997年,爸媽搬到Cerritos來。媽媽參加了台灣人的長青合唱團,每個禮拜都有練唱,每個星期天媽媽都 會打扮得漂漂亮亮上教堂做禮拜,平常好友們也會來訪,打打衛生麻將,加上每年參加北美彰女校友會年會及彰化同鄉會年會,使生活過得非常忙碌,充實!感謝北美彰女校友會在 2014年表楊她為模範媽媽,讓她感到無比的驕傲與欣慰!




Life Story of Mrs. Jang Jang Yang Lee

Mrs. Jang Jang Yang Lee was born on February 15, 1927 in a warm Christian family in Yunlin and grew up in Changhua. Her father was Dr. Yaw Nan Yang, MD. Her mother was Lin Jian Yang, an Elder of Lee Chun Shen Memorial Church in Taipei. Her elder brother was Dr. Shi Rong Yang, MD. Her sisters are Huei Shin Yang and Ching Hua (Alice) Yang.

Mrs. Lee was beautiful and bright. After she graduated from Changhua Girls’ High School, one of Taiwan’s best girls’ high schools, she planned to continue her college education in Japan. Unfortunately, her plan was never realized due to World War II.

Mrs. Lee married to Mr. Ju Cheng Lee on May 7, 1948. They have four children, Beh Erl (Bertha), Ray Fong (Fong), Shing Kuo (Henry), and Yuan Homg (Arthur). Mr. Lee was a very successful entrepreneur, and Mrs. Lee was his strongest supporter and significant contributor.

With their joint efforts, they built several successful businesses in Taiwan including brick kiln, dynamo light for bicycles, an ice cream factory, Taiwan Ricoh Camera, and San Yueh Textile Co.

In 1974, Mr. And Mrs. Lee immigrated to the United States. They immediately adapted to the new
challenging life in the new world. They invested in a motel and other real estate businesses. In the beginning, the motel was in need of a major remodel and an upgrade. Mrs. Lee, without hesitation, put herself to hard work by making drapery improvements for the entire motel. In addition, she learned English at an adult school to improve her communication skill. She supported Mr. Lee’s businesses like she did in Taiwan. They lived on Mt. Olympus in Hollywood until they retired and moved to Cerritos in 1997.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee are both very kind and generous. All of the nephews and nieces agree that Mr. and Mrs. Lee are their most favorite Uncle and Aunt. Their house was always full of relatives and guests during those years. After 1979, seven grandchildren joined the family. They bring hope and great joy to the family.

After moving to Cerritos, Mrs. Lee participated in many local societies. She was a member of the
Taiwanese Senior Chorus, the North America Changhua Girls’ High Alumni Association and the North
America Changhua Association.

Every Sunday, she would sincerely prepare herself for church to worship God.

In the past few years, the health of Mr. Lee has been deteriorating. Through this rough time, Mrs. Lee had always been his strongest spiritual and physical support.

In the morning of August 19 around 9:56 am, Mrs. Lee fell down from the stairs. She was rushed to UCI Medical Center in Orange and never regained consciousness. She passed away peacefully on August 22 at 4:00 pm with all of her children and grandchildren by her bed side. She had a very happy and successful life, she was 88.

Source from Mrs. B. Huang 10/2017

Posted in 10/2017