620. The Life Story of the Magistrate Judge, Ms. Peggy Kuo / – /01/2018

The Life Story of the Magistrate Judge, Ms. Peggy Kuo

Magistrate Judge Peggy Kuo

Magistrate Judge Kuo was appointed on October 9, 2015. She received a B.A. summa cum laude in history from Yale University in 1985 and a J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1988.

Judge Kuo clerked for the Honorable Judith W. Rogers with the D.C. Court of Appeals. From 1989 until 1993, she served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia. From 1994 to 1998, she was a trial attorney and then Acting Deputy Chief of the Civil Rights Division Criminal Section at the U.S. Department of Justice, where she investigated and prosecuted hate crimes and allegations of police misconduct throughout the United States. From 1998 to 2002, Judge Kuo prosecuted war crimes and crimes against humanity at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands. Her historic trial regarding mass rape in Bosnia became the subject of the documentary film, “I Came To Testify,” part of the series Women, War & Peace.

Upon her return to New York, Judge Kuo became litigation counsel at Wilmer Hale, LLP. In 2005, she was appointed Chief Hearing Officer at the New York Stock Exchange, where she presided over hearings involving violations of federal securities laws. From 2011 until her appointment to the bench, she was Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel of the New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings, the largest municipal tribunal in the country.

Judge Kuo was born in Taiwan and moved to the United States at the age of three. She was awarded a German Chancellor Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1993 to study the German criminal justice system. She is a former President of the Federal Bar Council American Inn of Court, an active member of the Asian American Bar Association of New York, and former Vice-Chair of Manhattan Legal Services.

Source from https://www.nyed.uscourts.gov/content/magistrate-judge-peggy-kuo


作者 曾偉旻

真的是台灣No.1!全美首位「台灣製造MIT」聯邦法官郭佩宇(Peggy Kuo)正式宣布就職。今天在紐約布魯克林羅斯福法院宣誓典禮中,她先用英語致詞,還不忘以最親切的母語台語感謝爸媽「教我如何做人,鼓勵我讀書,我聽進去了,才有今天成就」。她的爸爸與行動不便的媽媽,親自為她穿上聯邦法官袍,這一刻令全場動容!


從耶魯大學歷史系畢業後進入哈佛法學院,郭佩宇3年後隨即獲得法學博士學位。她一路從法律總顧問、紐約股票交易所首席聽證官,再到華盛頓特區擔任助理聯邦檢察官,到現在成為台灣第1位美國聯邦法官。她沒讓家人失望,更在美國法律界打響台灣名號。她說經過時間的證明,她的努力足以見證台灣女性的力量!許多聯邦法官也大讚,「Peggy Kuo,天生就是吃法官這行飯的料」!





摘自 蘋果日報 01/06/2016

Posted in 01/2018