46. Newsletter of T.A. Archives April, 2018

 Taiwanese American Archives (台美史料中心) April 2018 issue NO. 36




·       A Room for the Publications and Artifacts by Formosan Clubs and Taiwanese American Associations:

We are collecting the journals, directories, Newsletters and artifacts issued by these T. A. organizations in the past 7 decades. We have very limited collections from 1950 to 1980 period. Please help us find some publications during this period.

The program books and artifacts of T. A. summer and autumn conferences have being collected and displayed in this room, too.

  • A Room for T-Shirts, Jackets, Caps , Bags and Banners of T. A. Organizations:

We are planning to display these collected items on shelfs and make into quilts. Please donate whatever you have.

·       Collection Project of Outstanding Taiwanese Americans:

We have following three criteria for consideration as an outstanding T. A.:

1. Made significant Contributions/Services to T. A. Community.

2. Earned good reputation in his or her professional fields.

3. Well regonized contributions/Services to Main Stream Society.

Any of those three criteria is sufficient for nominating candidates to The Selection Committee of the T. A. Archives. The selected T. A. will be posted on the T. A. Archives’ website and printed in a book.

·       The Book of “My Stories”:

We are using the articles posted in “My Stories” section of T. A. Archives’ website for this book. Please submit the life stories and activities of your friends and/or yourself for this project.

·       The Book of “Our Journeys”:

We have posted the draft of this book on the T. A. Archives’ website since March/2018. Thank for your feedbacks and additional information. We are still looking for more suggestions and information in order to make this book better.

·       “First/Famous” Collected in March 2018:

  1. 紐約皇后區植物園台灣花園 / 全美首座台灣花園 / 2018
  2. 張清祺一家人為台灣建國事業努力一生永不退卻 / 1964 to present(2018)  
  3. May Flower 望春風 / 全美台灣同鄉會第一份會刊 / 09/1969
  4. 第一次台灣民眾大會/NY/09/18/1971
  5. Dr. Fu-Chen Lo 羅福全博士 / 第一位在美國國會參議院為台灣前途作證 / 11/09/1983
  6. 歐美麗 / The First Female President of TAA Organization / President of TAA/NJ / 1974
  7. Mr.& Mrs. John & Jensin Sommer were graduated from United States Naval Academy and retired from U.S. Navy. Their Daughter Lael and Son Peyton entered in United States Naval Academy too. (一家父母及兒女皆進入美國海軍官校)   
  8. Dr. Shi Shung Huang MD 黃錫勳醫師 / Created the First Open Clinic in Baltimore communities/MD, 1970’s in the U.S..

·       “Outstanding Taiwanese American” Collected in March 2018:

  1. Chawnshang Chang 張傳祥教授
  2. Wen-Hsiung Li 李文雄教授
  3. Shi Shung Huang MD 黃錫勳醫師

·       “Videos” Collected in March 2018:

  1. 明州臺灣同鄉會萬國節勇奪雙料頭獎 by 宏觀僑社新聞  2017
  2. 【台灣演義】蔡同榮  (台灣民視的台灣演藝節目) 2014
  3. 22年跨海送愛 ! 旅美醫學教授認養弱勢孩童  2018         
  4. 從台灣屏東泗溝水到美國芝加哥林敬賢先生的人生故事 2018
  5. 【台灣演義】台灣輸血醫學之母 林媽利  (台灣民視的台灣演藝節目) 2018

·       “Publications” Collected in March 2018:

No. Publications # on website Titles of Publications Authors/Donors Published
1 1201 刺蔣:鄭自才回憶錄 鄭自才、張文隆 01/2018
2 1202 台灣獨立建國聯盟 創盟40週年大會 「傳承與前瞻」研討會 台灣獨立建國聯盟(Donated by Dr. Y. Tsao/NJ) 03/2010
3 1203 漂泊半世 看盡世態 鄭瑞雄(Donated by Dr. J. Tsung/Taiwan) 03/2018
4 1204 Finding the Edge: My Life on the Ice Karen Chen 11/2017
5 1205 新台灣之光100:超越自我的夢想家 遠見編輯部 01/2017
6 1206 休士頓台灣語文學校 創校十周年特刊 休士頓台灣語文學校(Donated by Mrs. S. Tsay/TX) 1995
7 1207 圈外宣教之火 黃燈煌(Donated by Mrs. J. Cheng/CA) 11/2017
8 1208 美國證券市場(第九版) 吳連火(Donated by Mr. L. Wu/NY) 07/2017
9 233 copies of Formosa Weekly 美麗島週刊 Donated by Mr. C. Liu/MA
10 Newsletter of TAA/NJ/2003 & Other Documents Donated by Ms. A. Huang/NJ 2003

Please contact us if your non-professional publications or you know the non-professional publications by T. A. organizations and individuals have not been collected by the T. A. Archives. All collected publications are listed in the “Publications” section of the website. 

·       Progress in March 2018:

We collected 122 entries in March 2018. The total entry is 7790 :

Categories # posted in February # posted in March # posted up to 3/31/18
My Stories 5 4 633
Our journeys 1 1 331
Publications 15 8 1208
Culture/Artists/Exhibitions 1 1 93
Culture/Musicians/Concerts 3 6 549
Private Collections 5 0 62
First and Famous 2 8 367
Videos 3 5 101
Photo Albums 0 0 186
Who’s Who 42 37 2084
Projects (21 sub-titles) 27 36 1008
Our Footsteps 0 0 21
Events / Milestones 0 7 155
Artifacts 2 0 60
Organizations 1 8 887
Newsletters 1 1 45
Total Entries 108 122 7790

·       Contact Us :

Email: taarchivescenter@gmail.com    Tele. #: (949) 294-6041

T.A. Archives (台美史料中心), Irvine, CA 92606