229. A Taiwanese language course offered by UC Berkeley, April 15, 1996 / Chen-Chen Wu /05/2016

A Taiwanese language course offered by UC Berkeley, April 15, 1996

by Chen-Chen Wu

Dear members of the North America Taiwanese Women’s Association,

We are the coordinators and teachers of the University of California at Berkeley’s Taiwanese Language Classes. These classes have been in existence for 6 semesters through the volunteer efforts and dedication of Cal students who care about promoting the Taiwanese culture and language to others.

Founded, organized, and (aught completely by student volunteers, the Taiwanese language classes have grown from a small no-credit l2-person class to the size of three classes with over 90 total students in attendance. Now each class is a 2 unit Berkeley university De-Cal class with the support of the Asian Studies department. We each willingly put forth our time and efforts with no regrets and with the success of the classes being our only reward. Seeing Taiwanese American students being able to speak and understand their parents belter is a successful enough of a reason for us to continue the class. In order to run three language classes though, there are many costs involved. Until recently, we have been personally funding these expenses. Yet, with the expansion of these classes, costs have been increasingly difficult to cover. Expenses include copying of class materials, buying books in advance from Taiwan, parking fees for guest speakers, rental fees for video equipment and class activities, and flyers for publicity around the campus.

We have been approaching bay area Taiwanese organizations and have received positive responses from organizations such as the Northern California Formosan Federation (NCFF). Yet, we need the support from as many organizations as possible. We need not only financial support, but also moral support as the university will listen more carefully to our needs and our concerns if they know that national community organizations are supporting our cause.

Our fundraising goal per year is $ 1,000 dollars. So far, we have collected enough contributions from the community to reach have that goal. We humbly ask that the Taiwanese Women’s Federation help us out and contribute the $500 dollars needed to reach our goal. This money will be used solely for the purpose of the Taiwanese classes. Part of our future plans is to bring in community speakers for the class and lo be able to reward them with small donations.

Ideas such as these can only be achieved through the community’s involvement and contributions.

Furthermore, we understand that the National Women’s Conference is going to be held in San Francisco this year on Thursday, April I8lh. Since we live right across the Bay, if you would like a representative from the classes to come speak about it further, we would gladly attend. Also, if you want more information sent to you, we can gladly send you a class syllabus, descriptions, or history and editorials from some of our instructors and coordinators. Feel free to give our head coordinator, Chen-Chen Wu, a call with any further comments, suggestions, or questions at (510)-486-0607.

Thank you for your consideration of our solicitation for a worthy donation.

On behalf of the Berkeley Taiwanese Language Classes,

Chen-Chen Wu Head Coordinator

e-mail: chenchen@uclink2.berkeley.edu

229_A Taiwanese language course offered by UC Berkeley

Source form Pearl Wu 楊碧珠 05/2016

Posted in 05/2016