312. 台美史料中心的介紹 / 台美史料中心 /09/2017

台美史料中心的介紹 2017

編者 台美史料中心





  1. 文章委員會(Article Committee): 審查能登上網站的「我的故事」(My stories)及「我們的旅程」(Our Journeys)的文章。
  2. 藝術委員會(Art Committee): 審查能登上網站的台美藝術家及其作品。

每一個委員會有一套操作的程序(Operation Manual),經過多數贊同才能登上網站,所以網站上的資料是經由一群人的決定而不是取自於個人的決定。

我們很努力在各方面收集台美人的史料,有很多是從50年代以來,台美人及團體出版的書籍、雜誌、報紙等找出來的。各地台美人也熱烈並自動提供他們自己及朋友的故事、文章和捐贈自己出版的書籍及台美人團體出版的刊物。另外也建立以個人名義的私人收藏(Private Collections),提供一個地方來給台美人保存私人的史料。三年來我們已收到近萬篇史料,發佈到網站上並展示收集到的文物在史料中心,供大家參觀。







  • 圖書室1:展示台美個人及團體出版的書籍,有傳記、文學、政治、藝術家的畫冊、生活、健康及宗教方面。
  • 圖書室2:台美團體出版的雜誌、年刊、專刊、鄉訊和通訊,以及私人的收藏。
  • 圖書室3:台美人的報紙、雜誌、書籍,以及歷史文物。
  • 圖書室4:台灣同鄉會的刊物和夏令會的手冊。
  • 圖書室5:台美人參與各地文化節的活動的文物、特製的T-shirts、帽子、手提袋、旗子等等。
  • 陳列櫥窗:重要的台美歷史文物。
  • 照片走廊:各種的活動及文件的照片。
  • 油畫:描寫台美人走過的足跡,共21張。
  • 會議室。
  • 辦公室。


  1. 整理出有系統的台美族群的歷史資料,並編印成一套史書。
  2. 設立有規模的永久史料館,陳列台美族的史物供研究及參觀。
  3. 成立能永續操作的組織及穩定的人員及財力。
  4. 注重年輕世代的史料收集,設立英文的網站及一套以英文出版的史書。
  5. 製作影片及電影來展示台美70年來的歷史。
  6. 收集更多的台美人資料(Who’s Who),呈現台美族群的優秀及多元化。


Introduction of The Taiwanese American Archives, 2017

By T. A. Archives

In early 2013, six first-generation Taiwanese Americans across the United States, through a number of telephone conferences reached a resolution: Collect, record and preserve the historical documents, articles and artifacts related to the Taiwanese American ethnic groups starting from 1949, The Beginning of T. A. History.

The first few tasks are: set up a website of Taiwanese American History: www.taiwaneseamericanhistory.org , find a space in Irvine area, CA for the T. A. Archives Center, hire employees and recruit volunteers to work on this project.

The website was set up in May 2013, and then converted to another platform. A year later, it was converted again and a full time staff was hired to maintain and upload the collected information to it. Few part- time employees and volunteers also gave us some help.  We are still looking for web specialists to up-grade the website to have a systematic preservation of historical information, so scholars and the public can easily find the information they are looking for.

In order to collect historical information, we set up following two committees: The Article and The Art Committees.

Each committee has its Operation Manual. The Article Committee is for reviewing the articles of “My Stories” and “Our Journeys” and The Art Committee is for reviewing Taiwanese American artists and their artworks.  The articles are reviewed and accepted by the majority of the members in these two committees and then are uploaded on T, A. Archives’ website.

This step ensures that the information we have collected are decided by a group of Taiwanese Americans, not by individuals.

We welcome everyone to use it. We hope that this archives can reach an up-to-date history of Taiwanese American Ethnic Group in the near future.

We have been collecting historical information from various channels:  books, magazines and newspapers published by Taiwanese American individuals and organizations from 1950s.

Many T. A. have been also providing us with their own or friends’ stories and donating their own published books and by T. A. Organizations.

We also established “Private Collections” on the website to provide T. A. individuals with an additional place for saving their life- time personal historical information.

In the past three and half years we have up-loaded about ten thousand pieces of historical information to the website and some artifacts are displaying in T. A. Archives Center.

The first Archives Center was set up in February 2014 in an industrial  park  in Irvine, CA, about 3,800 square feet.  In July 2016, the Center was moved to a two-story building in an office complex about 19,000 square feet,. We have no shortage of  space issue for the time being.

Taiwanese American Archives Center in Irvine has following layouts:

  • Library 1: books published only by Taiwanese American individuals and organizations, including biographies, literature, politics, artist’s books, life, health, religion, etc.
  • Library 2: magazines, journals, special editions and
  • newsletters published by Taiwanese American organizations and Binders of Private Collections.
  • Library 3: newspapers, magazines, books, and Artifacts
  • Library 4: publications and the program books of summer conferences by Taiwanese American Associations.
  • Library 5: artifacts, T-shirts, hats, handbags & flags created for events by Taiwanese American organizations.
  • Display Window: historical artifacts
  • Display Corridor: Photos of various activities and documents
  • Oil paintings: Describe the footprints of Taiwanese Americans, Total of 21 paintings have been collected so far.
  • Conference Room: 2
  • Administration Office: 1

In addition to collect the past historical information, Since 2015, we have been collecting and posting Taiwanese American current activities and events in the U. S. on the website. We have also invited many T. A. to vote for the year’s top ten important T. A. events and published the voting results for each year.

We have been issuing monthly newsletter since May 2015 reporting our progress and activities, and what help our needs from T. A. community every month. Through these efforts, we have received  lots of moral support and  help from T. A. community.

We also have been placing some advertisements on a variety of occasions, such as summer conferences, cultural events, concerts, etc… in order to introduce T. A. Archives our community. We hope to let as many T. A. as possible to know this history project and help us to reach this historical mission soon.

We also encourage Taiwanese Americans to donate their historical artifacts to the Center for permanently displaying to the public.

Our future goals are:

  1. To organize the collected historical information systematically and to publish a series of historical books to be the encyclopedia of Taiwanese American
  2. To set up a permanent museum /or Center of T. A. History
  3. To establish a strong organization with good human resources
  4. To Further solidify a financial resources for a long lasting operation of this history project.
  5. To collect more of historical information of our young generations.
  6. To establish T. A. website in English version.
  7. To publish a series of historical books in English version.
  8. To prepare videos and films to visually show Taiwanese American history.
  9. To collect much more Taiwanese American’s bio info (Who’s Who)

The front view of the first Center of T. A. Archives, Irvine, CA, 2014(第一個台美史料中心的前門)

The Lobby of the first Center of T. A. Archives, Irvine, CA, 2014(第一個台美史料中心的大廳)

The Lobby of the second Center of T. A. Archives, Irvine, CA, 2016(第二個台美史料中心的大廳)

Library 1: Display Books Published by Individuals and Organizations(圖書室1:陳列台美個人及團體出版的書籍)

Library 2: Display Publications by Taiwanese American Organizations and Binders of  Private Collections(圖書室2:陳列台美團體出版的刊物和私人的收藏。)

Library 3: Display Newspapers, Magazines, Books, and Artifacts (圖書室3:陳列台美人的報紙、雜誌、書籍,以及歷史文物。)

Library 4: Display the Publication and the Program Books of  Summer Conferences of Taiwanese American Associations and is Sub-Chapter(圖書室4:陳列台灣同鄉會的刊物和夏令會的手冊。)

Library 5: Display T-shirts and Other Objects of Events by Taiwanese American Organizations(圖書室5:陳列台美團體的T-shirts和參與各地文化節活動的物件。)

Display Window: Display Important Historical Artifacts(陳列櫥窗:重要的台美歷史文物。)

Display Corridor: Display Photos of Various Events and Documents(照片走廊:陳列各種的活動及文件的照片。)

Oil Paintings: Describe Taiwanese American Footsteps(油畫:描寫台美人走過的足跡。)

One of the Conference Rooms (台美史料中心的會議室之一。)

Administration Office(辦公室)

Prepare by T.A. Archives 09/2017

Posted in 09/2017