903. 命問我答 Life Asks. I Answer. / 林天德 /09/2014/Life/生活

命問我答 Life Asks. I Answer.

作者 林天德

903_命問我答 (Life Asks. I Answer.) 903_命問我答 (Life Asks. I Answer.)- - 0002 903_命問我答 (Life Asks. I Answer.)- - 0003 903_命問我答 (Life Asks. I Answer.)- - 0004 903_命問我答 (Life Asks. I Answer.)- - 0005

I started my life as a farm boy in Taiwan and ended up as a psychologist in USA. This journey from East to West has been a challenge to me with all sorts of spices and thrills. Although I am just a particle in this fascinate Universe but my life is as unique as anyone else. If I take a psychological, philosophical, and cross-cultural view of it, it turned out to be meaningful and enlightening. Here I share with you my insights piece by piece. Hope you will find them beneficial and delightful.




Tender Lin, born in Ping Tung, Taiwan. He held a bachelor degree in Education from Taiwan Normal University in 1962, a master degree in Secondary School Guidance from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in 1966, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from University of California at Los Angeles in 1970. He had been an assistant professor at Miami-Dade Junior College, a Research Director at Morris Village and Psychology Coordinator at South Carolina State Hospital, Department of Mental Health. Also, he had been a visiting professor at various colleges and universities in Taiwan. He published numerous papers in professional journals, five books in Taiwan and two ebooks in Amazon Kindle Library: Winning between “U” and “I”, and Living from East to West.

林天德,台灣屏東人。一九六二年師範大學教育系畢業,一九六六年獲美國密蘇里東北師院輔導碩士,一九七○年獲加州大學洛杉磯分校〈UCLA〉諮商心理學博士。曾任美國佛羅里達州Miami-Dade Junior College, Assistant Professor、南卡羅萊納州Department of Mental Health, Research Director and Psychology Coordinator、台南師院和台北市立師院客座副教授、國立政治大學教育研究所兼任副教授、以及淡江大學講座教授。著有〈贏在你我之間〉、〈台灣人,別再隨緣認命〉、〈你我都贏才是贏〉、〈聊療心〉、和〈變態心理學〉、and Amazon Kindle Books: Winning between U and I and Living from East to West等書。

September 25, 2014



Published in 09/2014

Posted in 2015/11