

931_王康陸博士紀念基金會獎學金頒發手册 - 0001

931_王康陸博士紀念基金會獎學金頒發手册 - 0002




我六弟王康陸因疑似政治謀殺而過世,已經二十二年了,每年為了他的紀 念獎學金來他的母校,都會特別懷念他溫文儒雅的容貌,以及他堅持理想的精 神。四十多年來,我們有共同的夢想,那就是:「在台灣這塊土地上建立一個屬 於全體人民的主權國家;進而營造一個充滿公平正義與愛的社會」。為了這個夢 想,他毅然拋開待遇優渥的工作與甜蜜家庭,冒著生命危險偷渡回台,完成「台 灣獨立建國聯盟」遷盟回台的任務,使台灣獨立運動在台灣扎根萌芽。

談到我們的夢想,台灣獨立運動的目的其實很單純,就是要實踐自由、民 主與人權的普世價值,希望台灣這塊土地永遠不再發生類似二二八事件及白色 恐怖的悲慘情境。為了這個理想,我們選擇站在正義的一方,長期對抗專制獨 裁的中國國民黨,雖然必須付出一些犧牲,但卻在所不惜。在正義與邪惡之間, 我們無法選擇「沉默」,因為在我們的心底有一股無法抗拒的聲音在警惕我們, 那就是在美國麻州波士頓的新英格蘭猶太人大屠殺紀念碑石碑上,銘刻著德國 牧師馬丁 •尼莫拉(Martin Niemoeller)的一段懺悔文:

起初,當納粹來抓共產黨員時,我不說話,因為我不是共產黨員; 接著,他們來抓社會主義者,我不說話,因為我不是社會主義者; 再來,他們來抓工會會員,我不說話,因為我不是工會會員;



回顧過去,前瞻未來,我們欣然發現近年興起的新生力量,正在推動台灣 邁向一個獨立自主、自由民主、符合社會公義的國家。許多年輕學生不再沉默, 勇敢參與洪仲丘事件的「要人權•追真相」大遊行、太陽花學運、反課綱運動 等等,這股追求社會公義的力量正是國家社會的希望。

每個人都很平凡,但是偉大的事情都是由眾多平凡人所創造的。如果每個 平凡人都有勇氣選擇站在公平正義的一方,那麼這個社會自然會美好而偉大。

From the Chairman

Kang-Hou Wang

NOV. 2015

It has been twenty-two years since my youngest brother Kang-Lu Wang was killed in a car accident, which was long suspected to be political murder. I especially missed his scholarly appearance, and his persistency toward idealism every year when I come to his alma mater to commemorate his scholarship. For forty years, we shared a common dream, that is: “To establish a sovereign state that belongs to all the people in the land of Taiwan; to create a society stands on justice and love for the land of Taiwan”. To pursue this dream, he set aside his family and career, smuggled himself into Taiwan despite the great risk. His mission was to re-settle the Headquarters of “World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI)” in Taiwan and build up a foundation for future movement towards the independence of Taiwan.

Regarding our dream for the independence of Taiwan, the ultimate purpose is straight forward. It is to practice universal values of freedom, democracy and human rights. We hope that tragic events like The 228 Incident and the consequent White Terrorism will never happen again in our beloved Motherland. For this vision, we choose to stand by the righteous side and consistently fight against the dictatorship of the Chinese Kuomintang. There are sacrifices, but no regrets. Between justice and evil, “silence” is not an option. There is a compelling voice from the bottom of our heart alerting us, just like the engraving on the Massachusetts New England Holocaust Memorial monument in Boston, by German priest Martin Niemoeller:

When the Nazis came for the communists, / did not speak out, because / was not a communist.

When they came for the social democrats, / did not speak out, because / was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out, because / was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews, / did not speak out, because / was not a Jew.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Reviewing the past and looking forward to the future, we are excited to find that in recent years, the rise of a new generation is driving Taiwan towards an autonomous and democratic society. Many young students no longer choose silence. They courageously participated in the Hung Chung-Chiu incident “Demand Human Rights / Pursue The Truth” Parade; the Sunflower Student Movement, the Anti Black-Box Course Outline campaign, etc. This fresh but cohesive energy is the best hope for our state and society.

Most of us are just ordinary people. But great things are created by ordinary people when we are united. If every ordinary person has the courage to stand by justice, our country will soon have true freedom and democracy.


Published in 2015/11

Posted in 2016/01