Taiwanese Association of America San Antonio 聖安東尼臺灣同鄉會


 本會性質及宗旨: 聖安東尼台灣同鄉會是一個非營利事業的組織, 其宗旨在服務德州聖 安東尼地區的所有台灣僑民。本會之理事及幹部皆為義務性之職位。

 入會資格與會員權利: 凡是在台灣出生或認同台灣之人士皆可申請加入同鄉會。會費每戶每 年二十美元,單身者及學生每年十美元。會員享有優先得知活動訊息 與活動入場優惠價格及免費三節應景食品/禮品之福利。

 年度重要活動: 農曆新年慶祝活動, 亞洲節, 端午節聯歡會, 中秋節聯歡會等等。 另外,不定期有關政治、學術、文化、商業座談聚會及與其他社團合 辦活動。


 Character and Goals of TAASA: Taiwanese Association of America—San Antonio Chapter {TAASA} is a nonprofit organization that serves the Taiwanese-American community in the San Antonio, Texas region. All board members of the TAASA are volunteers.

 Membership qualification & rights: People who were born in Taiwan or those who identify with Taiwan can apply to join the TAASA. The membership fee is twenty U.S. dollars per household or 10 U.S. dollars each for singles and students per year. Members have priority to receive information concerning all TAASA’s events & activities. Members also get discount admission rates for all TAASA events. Members also enjoy the benefit to have free special festival food and/or gift for Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival.

 Important Events of the year: Lunar New Year Celebration, Asian Festival, Dragon Boat Festival Celebration & Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) Celebration…etc. There are also some political, educational, cultural and business seminars and other activities which are organized by TAASA & other organizations throughout the year.
