8. Taiwanese-American Irvine’s Eagle Brotherhood Group 台美人-Irvine老鷹兄弟姐妹會

Taiwanese-American Irvine’s Eagle Brotherhood Group


Founded on August 08, 2012 in Irvine, and hold Lunch & Forum Luncheon the second Friday of each month, also issued the monthly newsletter of members activities, and provided the enlightening thoughts and words. The main theme of Eagle Brotherhood is promoted the lasting bond of fraternity relations, so that the aged persons will lift up spirit and mind forever.

For the further information, you may contact me at 949-654-1734 or emailing me, “toh.fuliong@gmail.com”

這是台美人社區中,一種Fraternity組織,想探究老鷹 ”養生之道”,附和聖經,以賽亞書40:31所記載以及圖片。


我們這一群Irvine EBG老鷹伴,真是愛慕Eagle之生態,學習牠養生之道,至少每兩個月禮拜五中餐(11:30am-2:30pm)相聚在一起,提醒時事、家庭、子女之近況。



Taiwanese-American Irvine's Eagle Brotherhood Group1

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A Happy Valentine photo (02142016) for Irvine Eagle Brotherhood Group

A Happy Valentine photo (02/14/2016) for Irvine Eagle Brotherhood Group

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