31. United Formosans for Independence(UFI) 台獨聯盟

台獨聯盟UFI (United Formosans for Independence)



1987改名為「台灣獨立建國聯盟」,簡稱[台獨聯盟]。英文是World United Formosans for Independence,簡稱WUFI。盟旗的白色代表純潔,紅色代表熱情,地圖代表對台灣的認同。整個意義就是要用純潔熱情達成台灣的獨立建國之意。



WUFI is dedicated to the establishment of a free, democratic and independent Republic of Taiwan in accordance with the principle of self-determination of peoples. We are committed to the fundamental freedoms and human rights embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and therefore repudiate all forms of foreign dominance and interventions that run counter to the interests of the 23-million Taiwanese people.