謝謝您們多年來對台美史料中心的支持,台美史料中心深深感謝各方的祝福和支持,並簡略說明當前與UC San Diego Library的最新合作進度:
針對台美史料中心網頁內的照片,已請UC San Diego Library的工程師做初步分析,後續將朝自動化、系統化的方式整合在圖書館的資料庫中,以利後續提供更為廣泛的運用。
The contact email: ta.archives.center@gmail.com
TA Archives’ Current Improvement Steps
Dear Friends,
Thanks for supporting Taiwanese American Archives. We would like to briefly outline current steps what TA Archives is trying to improve for our website:
We have the preliminary meeting with the programmer of UCSD Library in July. The programmer will try to integrate the Photo Albums Section from TA Archives into UCSD Library’s digital database for academic research.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this email address