17. Jen Chan 詹純甄, Clarinet/2014/10

Jen Chan 詹純甄, Clarinet


By very well-known clarinetists- Prof. Ronald DeKant, Jonathan Cohler, and Philippe Cuper highly appreciated: “rich,sophisticate, sentimental, variety of music styles and gives a deep expressions of the musical!.”

Jen Chan demonstrated outstanding musical talent early age. Chan received the scholarship from University of Cincinnati-CCM for her Master degree in 2000,and learned with Prof. Ronald DeKant. During the school years, she had performed in numerous Master Classes of well-Known Clarinetists such as Prof. Ronald DeKant, Jona¬than Cohler, Philippe Cuper, Thomas Martin and Luis Rossi ; and Performed in CCM-Wind Symphony Band, CCM Symphony Band, National Taiwan Symphony Wind Orchestra as the Principal clarinetist toured major cities in Asia and the North America, Now as the Clarinetist of the “Rhapsody Trio” She is an active Clarinetist in the Southern California.

Jen Chan successfully achieved a series Concert tours with Rhapsody Trio in Taiwan National Hall and other Concert Halls; moreover, as the clarinetist in Rhapsody Trio, they released the “Rhapsody Trio” CD album in 2011 in Taiwan. 2011,2012 Jen Chan honorably accepted “The Outstanding Overseas Youth” from Federation of Overseas Chinese Associations. Since 2003 she has published several articles in “World Journal,“Sing Tao Dai¬ly” and other medium. She was also interviewed by “Radio Chinese” and “Radio American Living”. Now Jen Chan is residing in Los Angeles. There she is the Clarinetist of well-known excellent foundations such as Rhapsody Trio, The Kee-Jen Education of Arts Foundation, Lieu-Gui Cultural-Educational Foundation, Sam-Gup-Sui Taiwan Elite Alliance. Jen Chan has been very enthusiastic about performing new arrangement of Taiwan folk tunes, which synthesizes Classical and Jazz music. Her wish is to make Taiwan old tunes and beautiful cultures a complete New look and New Sound to the world.

獲Professor Ronald DeKant、Jonathan Cohler、及Philippe Cuper等知名豎笛演奏家高度讚賞:「豐富、敏銳、纖細 多樣之演奏風格並賦予深刻感情之音樂性!」。

詹純甄自小展現優異音樂天賦。曾師事賴勇、林佩筠老師。求學期間均以優異成績畢業;並於1994年保送輔仁大 學;2000年更以優異成績獲辛辛那提音樂院硏究生獎學金赴美攻讀碩士學位,師事Prof. Ronald DeKant。

在美期間,多次演奏於 Professor Ronald DeKant、Jonathan Cohler、Philippe Cuper、Thomas Martin 及 Luis Rossi等著名豎笛演奏家之大師班,並先後在辛辛那提交響樂團,辛辛那提管絃樂團,台灣省立交響管樂團,幼獅管樂團等 樂團多次擔任豎笛首席演出,足跡遍及亞洲和美洲各大城市。

2011年由雅砌唱片公司發行第一張《狂想三重奏同名專輯》,並以狂想三重奏之名,由維他露基金會、家庭扶助 中心、美國加州音樂教師協會及華府台灣文化中心主辦,於台灣及美國演出九場系列巡迴音樂會,深受好評,獲得廣 大樂迷相當大的迴想;並將於2013發行第二張《Emotions》。2003年起數次在美《世界日報》、《星島日報》等多 家媒體發表文章;並多次接受Radio American Living以及Radio Chinese電台廣播訪談。以狂想三重奏活躍於南加州 藝文苜樂會。現定居美國洛杉磯。於美國六桂文教基金會、呂泉生文教基金會(The Kee-Jen Education of Arts Foundation)、二合水工作坊(Sam-Gup-Suei)、優社(Taiwan Elite Alliance)等知名基金會,擔任常駐豎笛演奏家;並以 狂想三重奏,積極推廣、演奏各型音樂,希望能爲台美作曲家及台灣動人的音樂發聲,持續美麗文化傳承的工作。 同時成立並任教於RhapsodyEducation,爲音樂、教育及文化奉獻一己之力。